Species: Gorg
Planet of Origin: Tatooine
Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 1D
Special Abilities:
Grapple Tongue: The tip of the Grog’s long tongue contains hundreds of minute suckers used to adhere to its prey, aiding in the quarry’s capture.
Move: 8
Size: 0.3m long
Orneriness: 1D
Background: Gorgs, known as chubas in Huttese, were small, precocious amphibians that could be found on several planets, from the swamps of Naboo to the deserts of Tatooine (the latter being their original native planet). They were popularly favored as food by many humanoid species (including on Tatooine), either dried, fricasseed, or roasted in manak leaves. In Huttese, “hot chubas” were called “hotsa chuba.”
There were many species of gorgs, including long-tailed, three-eyed, and four-eyed varieties. Different types of gorgs were eventually introduced to the populations of Naboo and its moon of Rori, where they evolved to become large, flesh-eating creatures. Gorgs were also known to be mutated by bio-engineers. One such mutation resulted in the successful growth of a chubafly. The chubafly was essentially a colorful gorg, but with wings that made it capable of flying.
Sometimes, during times of great drought on their native world of Tatooine, gorgs hibernated in burrows, encasing themselves in a cocoon of hardened saliva. Occasionally, these burrows that gorgs used for general shelter and hibernation could be within profogg “towns”.
Natural predators included worrts, which the gorgs were similar to but smaller and more ambulatory.
Gorg eggs were edible and were used, poached, as an ingredient in “Hungry Hutt” breakfast sandwiches on Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant in Dex’s Diner. Gorgs on Tatooine could be found in three places: profogg burrows, encased in their hardened saliva cocoons; sewers, where harvesters bred them illegally; and gorgmonger farms.
Gorgmongers, such as Tatooine’s Gragra the female Swokes Swokes, would root a gorg pod in an amniotic-like fluid and feed it various things, including funnel flowers, razor moss—or even raw sewage. Soon, the specimen would lay eggs, hatch into tadpoles after several days. The gorgmonger would then separate these hatchlings from the adult (as adult gorgs will devour their young) and raise them to maturity. Only then could the amphibians be sold in the bazaar or marketplace.