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Species: Kindola
Home Planet: Patitie Pattuna

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Bio-Luminescent: Kindola produce a dim white light that illuminates the underworld cavern groves they dwelled in.
Vegetal Species: When there was no need for movement, the Kindalo normally remain stationary and were perfectly indistinguishable from more common non-walking trees (very difficult search skill check).
Oxygen Toxicity: Kindola cannot survive an oxygen atmosphere. After being exposed for 1 round, a Kindola must make a Moderate Strength check, with the difficulty increasing by +4 for every round past the first. If successful, the Kindola remains conscious, but must continue to make Strength checks until returned to its native atmosphere. Failure indicates that the Kindola falls unconscious, and takes 1D damage. This damage is increased by +1D for each round afterwards (cumulative).

Story Factors:
The Covenant: There exists a covenant between the Kindola and the Aleena, their two worlds were meant to be kept separated for greater good. Although they were open to discussions, the Kindalo were still highly distrustful of strangers to their realm and did not hesitate to put the upworlders’ life in danger because of an unwitting breach of the covenant.

Move: 10/12
Size: 3.1 meters tall

Background: A tall, tree-like species who dwelled in the underworld of the Mid Rim planet of Aleen. The Kindalo were phosphorescent beings who guarded the passages leading to the surface of Aleen, knowing the surface air was toxic to those who dwelt beneath the planet’s surface. Around 21 BBY, a group of four Kindalo found the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO when they fell into the underworld, and directed them to Orphne.

Biology and Appearance
The Kindalo were a species of sentient plants who stood much taller than the average Human, at 3.1 meters. While most vegetal lifeforms grew in a permanent site, Kindalo were among those who could move about, using their lower outgrowth as legs, in the same fashion as their semi-sapient cousins the fftssfft, which gave them a laborious, somewhat jerky gait. They also used creaky shoots as arms ending in four finger-like appendages. Like some species of primates such as the Mluki or the Hanadaks, a Kindalo had arms longer than their legs.

Like many other plants in the Aleen underworld, they were bio-luminescent, producing a dim white light that illuminated the underworld cavern groves they dwelled in. Their faces had stern expressions, with lipless, pouting mouths and glowing white eyes, and horn-like branches jutted from the top of their heads. They had dark skin similar to plant bark, covered with light gray phosphorescent stripes. On the whole, Kindalo appeared as towering, menacing stick figures with glowing sad eyes to unaccustomed visitors. They also possessed organs that rendered them capable of speech, and they spoke in deep echoing voices.

Like all underground lifeforms on Aleen, Kindalo were extremely allergic to surface air, which they considered “foul” and was indeed poisonous to their bodies. They only survived because the very ground of Aleen kept them apart from the surface, putting the air through a natural filtering process that made it harmless to those who lived below. When the integrity of their biotope was threatened by a hole in the planet’s ground, the Kindalo were capable of provoking groundquakes to try and seal it.

Society and Culture
When there was no need for movement, the Kindalo would normally remain stationary, in which case they were perfectly indistinguishable from more common non-walking trees. Since unfiltered surface air represented a biological hazard to them, the Kindalo had very few dealings with those who lived above. However, there existed a covenant between the tree-like sentients and the Aleena, a species of small, wide-mouthed reptiles who dwelled on the planet’s surface; their two worlds were meant to be kept separated for greater good. Although they were open to discussions, the Kindalo were still highly distrustful of strangers to their realm and did not hesitate to put the upworlders’ life in danger because of an unwitting breach of the covenant. At least some individuals were able to speak Galactic Basic Standard, the most prevalent and most used language in the galaxy.

Appearances: The Clone Wars

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