Saturday, May 18, 2024


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Name: CT-9544 | “Scythe”
Type: Clone Trooper
Species: Human (Clone)
Homeworld: Kamino
Gender: Male
Born: 32 BBY (968 GC)
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.83m
Weight: 78 kg
Skin: Tan

Blaster: 5D
Brawling Parry: 5D
Dodge: 5D
Grenade: 3D+1
Melee Combat: 4D
Melee Parry: 4D+1
Missile Weapon: 3D+2

Survival: 2D

Repulsorlift Operation: 3D
Sensors: 3D

Command: 3D
Search: 2D+2

Brawling: 3D

Blaster Repair: 4D
Demolitions: 5D
First Aid: 3D

Special Abilities:
Military Training: All Clones go through intensive military training throughout their formative years.

Obedient: Clones are conditioned to obey their superiors’ orders without question, loyally follow the the chain of command.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: DC-17 blaster pistol (3D+2), DC-15A Carbine (4D+1), Clone Trooper Armor (+2D Physical, +1D Energy, -1D Dexterity, -1 Move), Engineering Tools

Background: CT-9544, nicknamed “Scythe,” was a clone trooper who served under Lieutenant Trap in Tango Company. He had a tattoo of a tiger skull on his forehead. While on Geonosis, he was the first clone to be infected by a Geonosian brain worm. He then boarded the Pelta-class frigate, TB-73, and went into the barracks, releasing more Geonosian Brain worms infecting the remaining clones. Scythe then took Ox and CT-9538 to the bridge to kill the clone pilots. Then under the orders of Scythe, Ox and Edge went to the mess hall to get rid of their Jedi Commanders, Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee. Later he, along with Edge, pinned down an uninfected clone trooper while the infected Havoc used one of the Brain worms to infect the final clone on the ship. After Offee tried to reach the bridge but was stopped, Scythe took another Brain worm and infected her. Eventually, Scythe and the rest of the crew were freed from the infection when Ahsoka ruptured the cooling tanks.

Scythe carried a DC-15A carbine, and was featured wearing a back pack. He wore Phase I Armor that had blue markings, a large blue X shape on his chest and bore a striped sigil on his armored shoulder plates that resembled a stylized tiger face.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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