Species: Fluggrian
Home Planet: Ploo IV
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Amphibious: Fluggrians are an amphibious species which are at home as much in the water as out of it. As a result, they receive a +2D bonus to swimming at the time of character creation only, and can also go without breathing air underwater for up to 4 hours.
Neural Bundles: Fluggrians possess special neural bundles, located at the front of their foreheads, which are able to process sensory information at incredible speeds. As such, all Fluggrians gain +1D to any reaction skill rolls.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.1-1.5 meters
Background: A squat species with green skin, the Fluggrians had high foreheads which jutted forward over their face. A race of spindly limbs, each Fluggrian had three fingers on each hand ending in a large talon. Their skin was dotted with several sensory inputs in the form of purple spikes, which were capable of processing information at a high rate of speed. Large, square teeth filled their mouths and were hidden behind thick lips. Breathing through gill-like neck bands, the Fluggrians could breathe oxygen with ease.
Native to a marshy planet called Ploo IV, the Fluggrians lived on floating cities which connected via thick underwater transit tubes. Plagued by a high crime rate, the planet’s inhabitants were highly suspicious as a society and were highly intolerant of the Glymphid race which was native to the neighboring world Ploo II.