Species: Anointed People
Home Planet: Abonshee
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Armored Bodies: Anointed People have thick hides, giving them +1D against physical attacks and +2 against energy attacks.
Story Factors:
Primitive: The Anointed People are a technologically primitive species and tend to be very unsophisticated.
Move: 8/9
Size: 1.5-2.5 meters tall
Background: The Anointed People were a species of sentient reptiles native to the planet Abonshee. Their bodies were sturdy and roughly humanoid, standing on two feet with a tail used for balance. Members of the species used sharp teeth and a spiked tail as natural weapons and hard, green skin as armor. As of 1 ABY, the Anointed People had a feudal society divided into castes, including the working-class Unwashed and the ruling Godlings, all serving a planetary monarch known as the Godking.
The galactic community believed them to be a primitive and hostile species, based on obsolete scouting reports from the time of the Galactic Republic that portrayed the Anointed People as a non-technological, unsophisticated species that constantly waged civil wars. However, soon after the Battle of Yavin, representatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic rediscovered the Anointed People and found them to be intelligent and sophisticated, if still not technological. By that point, the Anointed People, mostly under the rule of Godking Tristram, had made important social advances, replacing their constant warring with a sport-like activity.
The agents of the Alliance tried to convince the Anointed People to join their faction in the Galactic Civil War, but Godking Tristram was reluctant to agree: He had recently been the victim of Jayhawk, a con artist who claimed to be a member of the Alliance. Tristram tested the might and the nature of the aliens before deciding. The Anointed People eventually joined the Alliance in their fight against the Galactic Empire and fought Imperial stormtroopers when the Empire landed on Abonshee.