Saturday, September 7, 2024


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Species: Nosaurian
Home Planet: New Plympto

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Horns: Nosaurians possess six horns on the tops of their heads that they can employ as weapons. Goring an opponent with these horns inflicts the Nosaurian’s Strength +1 in damage.
Internal Clock: Nosaurians attuned to the planet they are living on instinctively know when the sun is setting. They usually accompany the setting sun by braying at the top of their lungs. This is largely involuntary, and any Nosaurian wishing to resist the urge to “sing it [the sun] down” must succeed at a Very Difficult Willpower skill roll.

Story Factors:
Color Blind: Nosaurians only see in black and white. While they are not typically effected by this, they may have difficulty interpreting color-coded computer displays or vehicle controls that they are unfamiliar with.
Phosphorescent Mouth Lining: A Nosaurian can make the lining of his mouth phosphorescent at will. Although many animals on New Plympto use similar abilities to attract prey, it grants no appreciable bonus to Nosaurian characters.
Resentful of Humans: Nosaurians blame Republic politicians (and humans in general) for financial problems suffered on their homeworld of New Plympto. These feelings were further compounded by a heavy-handed Imperial subjugation of their planet.

Move: 10
Size: 1.2 to 1.55 meters tall

Background: The Nosaurians were a sentient, bipedal, reptilian species native to the planet New Plympto in the Core Worlds. A Nosaurian was easily recognized by a row of long horns, a covering of tough scales, and a beakful of sharp teeth. Members of the species had the ability to produce a brief flash of light from inside their mouths, a knack they used for silent, long-distance communication. Nosaurians were colorblind, although few found this bothersome.

Their language’s phonemes consisted of hisses, barks, and warbles, and its syntax commonly used metaphors related to weather, nature, and the seasons. They were capable of speaking Basic yet generally chose not to. When on their homeworld, they had an inexplicable ability to tell when the sun was setting and an overwhelming urge to “sing it down” by braying. This behavior persisted offworld, but the disturbance in a Nosaurian’s internal rhythms often brought it on at inopportune times with no real tie to New Plympto’s day–night cycle.

Nosaurians were naturally even-tempered. However, a long history of what they viewed as marginalization and exploitation at the hands of Humans left them bitter and angry. This began soon after the Nosaurians met their first offworlders, the Corellians. These Human neighbors became enmeshed in New Plympto’s trade of rikknit eggs, a valuable component in ji rikknit and other recreational substances. As the rikknit population on New Plympto plummeted and the Galactic Republic imposed sanctions on the trade, the economy crumbled. The Nosaurians saw little choice but to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After the group’s defeat in the Clone Wars, the Nosaurians tried to carry on the fight, only to be crushed by the 501st Legion and enslaved by the Galactic Empire. Decades later, when they opposed an invasion by beings known as Yuuzhan Vong, the aggressors unleashed a deadly virus on their homeworld and rendered it uninhabitable.

Nosaurians who made their names on New Plympto included the resistance leaders General Rootrock and Fefar Blackeye. However, economic hardship and enslavement forced many Nosaurians to emigrate over the centuries. Some gravitated toward thrill-seeking professions, as exemplified by the podracer pilot Clegg Holdfast. Others drifted among the galactic fringe, as in the case of Bomo Greenbark, who left his homeworld searching for his family after the end of the Clone Wars.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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