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Species: Menahuun
Home Planet: Lamaredd

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Darkvision: Menahuun can see up to 20 meters in total darkness.
Good Climbers: Menahuun characters get a +2D bonus to all Climbing/Jumping skill checks made when climbing.
Good Swimmers: Menahuun characters get a +1D bonus to all Swimming skill checks.
Heightened Senses: Menahuun get a +2 pip bonus to all Search skill checks.

Move: 6/8
Size: 1.2 meters tall

Background: The Menahuun, unofficially known as “little buggers” and sometimes believed to be gremlins, were a furry anthropomorphic lemuroid species from the planet Lamaredd, known as “Great Menahua” in their native Menahu language. These arboreal mammals initially had a peaceful culture of hunters-gatherers but, in later times, they changed to become more competitive and aggressive.

The Menahuun were an anthropomorphic species of arboreal mammals with lemuroid morphology: They had long arms almost reaching the ground when they stood, lean legs that allowed them to climb and run — although they could not run as fast as a Human. They also had opposable digits on both hands and feet to increase their tree-climbing ability. Like many mammals, they had sexual dimorphism, meaning that males were different from females. Standing about 120 centimeters during adulthood, Menahuuns were covered with coarse, short fur whose color ranged from rust to olive green.

Because Menahuun had a poor sense of smell, they depended on their acute sight for survival. They had two big black eyes, as big as a Bith’s, that allowed them to see shapes, but not colors, up to twenty meters away without any apparent source of light.

Although the Menahuun were not as strong as a Human, they were faster in both trees and water. Not exactly amphibious, the Menahuun could hold their breath for many minutes when underwater.

The Menahuun had a lifespan of only fifty-five standard years, and they started feeling the ill effects of age around thirty, becoming severe at around forty-six. They were considered adults at ten, and their adolescence started at six.

The Menahuun evolved on the planet Lamaredd, which was rich in flora and fauna. Not having a scarcity food, they created a pacifist society of nomadic hunter-gatherers who respected sentient life. They banded together in several tribes that did not compete with each other, although they did fight natural predators. Each tribe had a well-defined leadership. Sometimes tribes met and performed metaphorical fights as a show.

Five centuries before the time of the Galactic Empire, the Menahuun were hunted almost to extinction and forced into exile from their ancestral lands. In that time, their society changed and they became combative and antagonistic. They became used to duels and even open wars as a means to solve a conflict. They also developed their resolution and cunningness, as well as a hatred towards any uninvited intruder on their planet.

However, the Menahuun were not anxious to jump to war without looking for a less bloody alternative. Continuing the centenary tradition, a disagreement between two tribes could be solved with a public duel of champions from both tribes; only if the losing tribe did not fill the conditions of the agreement would then a war be waged. For a Menahuun to be considered a champion, he had to steal the “holy mark” — which was the insignia from the Outer Rim Oreworks Company that many aliens on Lamaredd wore.

Although the Menahuun became familiar with Republic-level technology during their stay at Hua’Bal, they still resorted to more primitive items for their everyday life, including a simple loincloth for all clothing — no matter the sex of the wearer—, a leather pouch with a knife and primitive tools, and sometimes other personal belongings.

The Menahuun commonly learned the skills that could be useful in a natural environment, including survival, hiding, and searching. They also commonly learned a profession. Only rarely was a Menahuun familiar with advanced technology or even with any language except for their natural Menahu. Lamaredd was rich in the energy field The Force, known as “Pa’ela” in Menahu. A certain caste of Menahuun, the respected shamans, learned how to use Pa’ela and attributed its effect to magic.

Each Menahuun used a single name instead of a first name and a surname. Example names included Chylla, Henecho, Keycho, Suka, Teetch, T’kol and Uucheyek.

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