Saturday, September 7, 2024

Alcoholic Beverages

AlesBourbonBrandiesChampagneGinLagersLiqueursMixed Drinks RumVodkasWhiskeyWines

Game Note: After an alcoholic drink, a character rolls his/her Stamina vs. the Difficulty. Remember that a character who fails a Stamina check has -1D to his next check. Failed checks are cumulative until the character has 0D Stamina.

Example: A character with 5D Stamina would have to fail 5 rolls before passing out. But if he had 3D Dexterity he would not be able to walk after 3 failed rolls.

Intoxication LevelModifier
1-5 Buzzed-1D to all skills and attributes
6-10 Intoxicated-2D to all skills and attributes
11-15 Stumbling Drunk-3D to all skills and attributes
16-20 Wasted-4D to all skills and attributes


Agaric Ale
This foul brew is favored by the Neimoidians. very easy stamina roll for Neimodians, moderate willpower roll for any other species to stomach this drink. A glass runs between 7 to 10 credits. A good way to get on a Neimoidians good side just make sure you don’t mistake a Duros for one, or you might be in trouble.

Alarevi Ale
An alcoholic beverage., Alarevi Ale packs a wallop. A glass costs 4 to 6 credits. It requires a very difficult stamina roll. Said to make a blind man weep and a young girl curse it is potent stuff.

Alderaanian Ale
This fermented, alcoholic beverage is brewed from the fragrant grains once native to Alderaan. A very easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 4 to 8 credits before destruction of Alderaan. After Aldreaan’s destruction a glass runs between 25 to 45 credits. I would never complain when I found a empty bottle of this ale in the back seat of my taxi. You could even sell the bottle as a souvenir to wild eyed tourists.

Altorian Milk-ale
A strange beverage fermented on Altor 14. It was presumably made by fermenting the milk produced from local mammalian herd beasts. A very easy
stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Andoan Ale
Green, alcoholic beverage. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 5 credits.

Arkanian Sweet Milk
A creamy and very strong type of mead, an alcoholic beverage, brewed on the planet Arkania. Its basis presumably was the milk from an Arakanian mammal. a
easy stamina roll is required. A glass costs 2 to 4 credits. Roll a 1D if it comes up a 1 then the mead has gone sour and requires a moderate stamina roll, if failed
will cause severe stomach cramps. -1 to all skills for 48 hours.

Bavva Ale
This wretched brew was first fermented aboard the Happy Failure, in a still formed from the innards of an Incom N21-3 power converter. Strangely, now this stuff
is found everywhere. A Easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 1 to 3 credits.

Bellorian Ale
A malted, alcoholic beverage fermented in Elrood Sector. A easy stamina roll A glass costs between 6 to 8 credits.

Bendbelly Dark
This heavy, full-bodied beer is currently popular in the Core Worlds. A moderate stamina roll A glass costs between 5 to 7 credits.

Bespin Port
A strong unique ale that is both charming in its looks as well as its taste. This drink is generally considered one of the finest ports produced in the Galaxy. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 9 to 14 credits.

Blue Ale
This is a form of beer that is brewed on many worlds. A clean, firm, malt character with a light fruitiness. A easy stamina roll. A glass cost between 1-4 credits.

Boga noga
An extremely strong Hutt ale. It was so intoxicating that two containers could knock out an entire squadron of stormtroopers, and it was often joked that it made a
good engine flush. a moderate stamina roll for hutts and a very difficult roll for other species. A glass costs between 6 to 8 credits.

Chagarian Ale
A kind of alcoholic beverage. A bubbly blue concoction that is light and fruity. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 6-11 credits.

Corellian Ale
A full-bodied brew with a slightly sweet taste. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 7 credits.

Dalkash Ale
A flavorful ale brewed on the planet Lianna. It has real aromatic potential marked by it’s spicy tones. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4-7 credits.

This was a draught fermented beverage produced on the planet Kodai. It is a dark ale almost opaque in color. A faintly grainy-oily body and a pronounced finish. A
difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 4-7 credits. For some reason the people on Kodai like there ale extremely strong. Watch out.

Ebla Beer
An ale brewed from Ebla grain on the planet Bonadan. A full amber color. It starts lightly malty and finishes with hop bitterness. A easy stamina roll. A bottle costs 1-4 credits

A type of alcholic beverage. Strong and bitter ale. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits.

Forvish Ale
An interstellar brew. It is distinguished by citrus notes that lend it a characteristic touch of bitterness. A Easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-5 credits.

Fromish Ale
A type of beer, popular during the Clone Wars. The taste is restrained but there is a surge of warming alcohol. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 1-4 credits.

Fug Ale
A murky drink made of Fug fungus. Favored by many Gamorreans. and no one else. A moderate stamina roll. A mug costs 1 credit.

Fungus Ale
This beverage was fermented from munch-fungus by the Twi’leks. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 5-8 credits.

A drink favored by the Mon Calamari. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-4 credits.

Geillian Ale
An interstellar brew. It is distinguished by its rough hewn taste. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 4-8

Gingenny Grog
A light, sweet beer. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-6 credits.

Gizer Ale
This fermented beverage is blue in color. A easy stamina roll. A Glass costs 4-8 credits.

Gizer Pale Blue Ale
A lighter version of Gizer ale. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Gorksin Ale
A tasty ale, earned the Year’s Best Expansion Export award during the time of the Clone Wars. A Easy stamina roll. A glass costs 7-18 credits. A bright
beginning and a smooth finish puts this ale towards the top of the list.

Gravdinian Ale
This was considered one of the galaxy’s most “dangerous” beers. A sweet beer once it has fully fermented, Gravdinian Ale gave off a strong vapor as it
fermented. In concentrated amounts, this vapor could be lethal. Even with the apparent dangers, it was widely consumed across the galaxy. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 7 to 10 credits . Make sure to drink this in a well ventilated pub.

Hapan Ale
A mildly-intoxicating beverage brewed in the Hapes cluster. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 12-19 credits. Leave it to the Hapans to overcharge for a light

Huttese Ale
A popular beverage among the Hutt community. Created on Nal Hutta, the ale had to be consumed quickly before it dissolved the mug in which it was
served. A very difficult stamina roll. A mug costs 5-8 credits.

This bitter, spicy beverage produces a foamy, green head when poured. It is best served chilled. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-7 credits.

A powerfully intoxicating beverage favored in the Corellian System but found throughout the galaxy. Lumguzzling competition. Cant overdose on it. a very
easy stamina roll. A pitcher of lum costs 6 to 10 credits. A glass costs 1 to 3 credits.

Megavegiton Ale
This alcoholic beverage is made from the vegetation of Kothlis. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-6 credits.

Ne’tra gal
The name means black ale in Mando’a, was a sticky black Mandalorian ale served in the Oyu’baat on Mandalore. A glass costs 3-7 credits. A moderate stamina roll. Tastes alright but feels like drinking a ball of tar.

Norvanian Grog
An old, expensive intoxicating beverage. A 400-year-old bottle is exquisite. It is produced on the island of N’van on the planet Ban-Satir II. a moderate stamina roll. A shot costs between 25 to 40 credits.

Osskorn Stout
A foamy ale, an alcoholic beverage, served at Shanko’s Hive. A very easy stamina roll. A mug costs 3-6 credits.

Ortolan Blue Ferment
An alcoholic beverage. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 6-12 credits.

Osskum Ale
A refreshing alcoholic beverage with a taut, crisp texture. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 9 credits.

Ottegan Mead
A true Mead, complete with wheat residue floating in it. An acquired taste. a very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Polanis Ale
A heady brew. A light roastiness and a firm smooth finish. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost 2-4 credits.

Polaris Ale
An alcoholic brew, it is best served tepid. It has a dry grainy texture and a spicy palate. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost 1-4 credits.

Rodian Ale
A vile,green substance that only a Rodian would try to digest. A easy stamina roll for Rodians, a difficult stamina roll for other species. A glass costs between 2
to 5 credits.

Shasa Ale
An ale favored by the natives of Ado Sector. Orange in color and bitter in taste. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-6 credits.

An alcoholic Cestian drink. It is made from fermenting the spores of the planet’s omnipresent mushrooms. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-6 credits.

Spot-luma Lum
This local variety of lum was produced on Adarlon, and was popular at The Glow Dome. A very easy stamina roll. It sells for 15 credits a glass.

Talhovian Ale
A bitter malt beverage presumably of Talhovian origin. A moderate stamina roll. A glass cost 2-5 credits.

Tarisian Ale
An ale from Taris. It has a subtle tawny color with a dry earthy palate. A easy stamina roll. A glass cost 4-9 credits.

Tatooine Yagbitter
This dry, bitter ale was produced on the planet Tatooine. The standard, bland drink of Tatooine. Nonalcoholic. A glass cost 3-7 credits.

Thuris Stout
A deep almost black ale, very strong. A intense flavor with a powerful finish. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

A warm beverage brewed on the planet Gamorr. A cup costs between 1-3 credits. Tastes like most Gamorreans smell.

Tyrellian Ale
A brew favored by the inhabitants of the planet Yelsain. Copper in color, made with crystal malts. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits.

Tyrusian Red Ale
A carboxyl-based intoxicant. Noxious odor. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 3-6 credits. Also requires a moderate willpower roll or consumer passes out from
fumes. I seen many a conman order this for a stranger then go through their pockets after they pass out for the fumes. Be careful.

Venaarian Cringe-Ale
This bitter, yellow-colored beer is produced on the planet Venaari. It had a distinct taste that many thought to be repulsive, and it was named accordingly. A
moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Vinta Harvest Ale
This microbrewed beer was produced by Tradium. It was specially brewed for serving during the height of the podracing season on the planet Malastare, at the
running of the Vinta Harvest Classic. The marketing campaign revolved around the following description: “When the races get tough, the tough reach for Vinta!”
Now that Podracing is illegal, this beverage is increasingly rare. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 6 credits.

A fermented drink favored by the Quarren, it is made from the seaweed native to Mon Cala and has a barely palatable taste, but it really packs as wallop. A difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 4 to 8 credits.

Wroonian Ale
This was a fermented malt beverage brewed on the planet Wroona. It has a restrained roasty taste that is clean and smooth. A very easy stamina roll. A glass
costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Zabrak Ferment
A Foamy light alcoholic beverage served in the Hard Heart Cantina. A very easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 2-5 credits.

Zairona Ale
A brew favored by the Azzameen family. A stout heady ale that kisses you on the lips than kicks you in the head. I knew a Mistryl who was like that. A difficult
Stamina roll to drink. A glass costs 20 to 45 credits.


Calamari Xinphar
A pink-colored alcoholic beverage that originated from Mon Cala, the Mon Calamari homeworld. Requires a easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 5-8 credits.

Chandrilan Blue 439
An alcoholic beverage from the planet Chandrila. It was from the year 439 of the Ruusan Reformation. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 25-40 credits. A very
rare and wonderful drink. If you have the opportunity (and the credits) make sure you try it.

Corellian Reserve
A kind of alcoholic beverage that was golden in color. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 6-9 credits.

A favorite drink of ruffians, due to its terrible flavor and strong aftertaste. You have to be tough to put down a Deuterium-pyro. Usually served in a sealed plastic tube. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 3 credits.

Green Galaxy
A glowing green alcoholic drink that had swirling bursts of light which looked much like stars. It was served in tall drinking utensils. A Easy stamina roll. A glass costs
8-17 credits.

Mad Mrelf
This is a strong Corellian liqour. Many a spacer would go on drinking binges and consume more Mad Mrelf than they could hold, and they ended up in Imperial
labor camps for their conduct. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot cost 12-17 credits.

A strange and hardy drink, also a narcotic hallucinogen. Mix of Lum and Spice Liqueur. A more expensive version of the Reactor Core. Strange visions are sure to
follow. A moderate stamina roll. A drink costs 10 to 12 credits.

Mutant Zombie Cooler
A mixed beverage. A combination of fruit juice and lum. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 6-11 credits.

Orryxian Catsblood
An alcoholic beverage favored in the Outer Rim. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-9 credits.

Alcoholic beverage, fermented by the Devaronian people. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 5-10 credits.

Rylothan Yurp
An alcoholic drink made with ingredients native to Ryloth. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 5-11 credits.

A thick liquor. It tastes awful, so it must be sipped slowly. It is produced somewhere in the Core Systems. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits . Dont ever
order this unless its for someone you dont like.

Somnaskol Red
A strong, flask-held liquor. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 4-9 credits. This stuff smells terrible, something I used in my smuggling days was to put a top layer of this stuff over whatever I was smuggling. Then have one of the bottles accidentally” be broken. One whiff was all it took to pass customs.


Alderaanian Phoot Brandy
The favorite drink of dedicated alcoholics, but little known to amateurs due to the high price that low volumes of production caused. The price is rapidly
skyrocketing as collectors and connoisseurs deplete the small stock left in the galaxy. A moderate stamina roll. A shot cost between 30 to 65 credits.

Abrax Cognac
A pale blue, alcoholic distilled spirit with a spicy vapor. It requires an easy stamina roll to drink. A shot costs between 3 and 7 credits.

Alderaanian Brandy
An alcoholic beverage from Alderaan. With all the different varieties of Alderaanian this and Alderaanian that you think they just stood around all day making
liquor. This is another example of people wanting what they cant have. This brandy is nothing to write home about; it’s flat and doesn’t have a smooth finish. The
same people who wouldn’t have let a single drop of this “inferior” brandy touch their tongues are now breaking out cases of it for social parties and driving up the
price. Don’t believe the hype, it was hardly worth the price before, now it’s ridiculous. Prior to Alderaan’s destruction the price was 5 to 9 credits. Post destruction the price was 30 to 50 credits. A easy stamina roll is required.

Bothan Brandy
A lime green alcoholic beverage that is light and fruity. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 7 credits.

Cassandran Brandy
A true Brandy for the upper class types. My, that’s tip top!” A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 20 to 30 credits.

Cassandran Choholl
Another of the renowned Cassandran spirits, it is better even than Cassandran Brandy. The Grada brand of Cassandran Choholl sells for more than 500 credits a
bottle and is sought galaxywide. A easy stamina roll. A bottle costs from 425 to 500+ credits.

Chandrilan Brandy
An expensive alcoholic beverage presumably from Chandrila. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 12 to 17 credits.

Churban Brandy
A wonderful fermented spirit from the Churba System. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 4 to 8 credits.

Corellian Brandy
There is no brandy more flavorful and savory than Corellian Brandy. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 3 to 5 credits.

Corellian Double-brandy
A twice-fermented version of the basic Corellian brandy. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs between 6 to 10 credits.

Cortyg Brandy
This drink is an incredibly hard drink brewed on Kashyyyk. It comes in two different variations, the “wilder” side, drank by Wookiees and the “tamer”
Cortyg that tasted smoother. The “tamer” variant is sold to offworlders at high prices. A difficult stamina roll for other species version. A very difficult stamina
roll for the Wookiee version. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Dornean Brandy
A fine, distilled liquor created on Dornea. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 10-15 credits.

Doth Brandy
This well-aged alcoholic spirit is considered a delicacy by the rich and powerful. It compliments the taste of tranna nougat, and is often consumed with the sweet
candy. An very easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 15 to 18 credits.

Dun Brandy
An aged alcohol favored by the Krish. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 4-7 credits.

Horstberry Brandy
A strong brandy made from Horstberries. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 5-8 credits.

Ithorian Brandy
It was only “Ithorian” in that it was made by an Ithorian. It was made by Vanster Enan and sold in his cantina on Cularin as the house special. He made it from the
fermented sap of trees found in Cularin’s jungles. It was fairly tasty, and had a mild pine aftertaste. Vanster Enan sold it in large snifters for 2 credits, cheaper than any imported drink, and was willing to sell a cask of the brandy for 20 credits. A very easy stamina roll.

Jargridian Brandy
An inexpensive alcohol. A moderate stamina roll. A shot cost 1-2 credits. A favorite of bums and down on their luck space jockeys.

Kareas Brandy
A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Kibshae Brandale
An interstellar spirit. ’48 was a good vintage. A moderate stamina roll. A shot cost 10-15 credits.

Luranian Brandy
A fine fermentation of fruit, often wide-bottomed snifter. A easy stamina roll is required. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Mon Calamari seaweed mash
A black alcoholic beverage. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-14 credits.

Ryborean Gax
a type of expensive alcoholic beverage. A Moderate stamina roll. One glass was worth at least three hundred credits.

Savareen Brandy
An old-timers drink, very mellow. To be sipped lightly. Yes, it‟s quite nice. Along with its Cassandran counterpart, this alcohol is considered one of the finest
by brandy connoisseurs. A very easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 10 to 15 credits.

Thikkiian Brandy
This potent alcoholic beverages is created by Wookiees. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 8-13 credits.

Vasarian Brandy
A rare brandy made from fermented fruits and berries from Talus. A Easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 12 to 16 credits.

Vistulo Brandale
A expensive interstellar spirit. ’49 is decent vintage, but ’46 is better. A Very Easy Stamina roll. A bottle costs between 150-375 credits.

Zadarian Brandy
A smooth, but stiff fermented alcohol. a easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 18 to 24 credits.


This is a form of champagne enjoyed by the citizens of the Core Worlds. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

Daruvvian Champagne
A alcoholic beverage. sparkly and sweet. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-9 credits.

This bubbly beverage was often served frozen or iced. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-5 credits.

Garwillian Champagne
This fairly common form of champagne is only enjoyed by the ultra-rich, especially when there are so many better ways to get loaded . A very easy stamina roll. A
glass costs between 18 to 29 credits.

Green Champagne
A green-colored, sparkling wine. A glass 5-9 credits. A very easy stamina roll. A flavorful economic choice.

Orgone Bubbler
This beverage is characterized by a frothy, purple head. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-9 credits.

Rhuvian Fizz
An alcoholic drink. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost 2-6 credits. A good hangover remedy the fizz helps settle stomachs.


Blue Tonic
One of the key ingredients in making a Reactor Core. A easy stamina roll to drink. a glass costs between 1 to 2 credits

Watch out for the flames, as this drink is always served on fire. An extremely intoxicating beverage that, when mixed correctly, scalds the tongue yet freezes the
throat. the secret ingredient in this concoction was spice. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 6-8 credits.

Hoojib‟s Revenge
One more time, he reaches out from the grave to grab you. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

A brand of alcoholic beverage enjoyed by some Aqualish. A moderate stamina roll. A shot cost 3-5 credits.

Mattberry Brew
Made from fermented juice of the Mattberry. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-9 credits.

Noonian Fixer
This alcoholic concoction is guaranteed to make you forget your troubles. A very easy stamina roll. +1D to difficulty of knowledge rolls that pertain to events of
the last 24 hours after consuming drink. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

This was an alcoholic concoction that was used in a variety of unusual drinks during the last decades of the Old Republic. It could be carbonated in various levels,
creating a wide spectrum of bubbly drinks. A easy stamina roll. A shot cost 2-3 credits.

A liquor traditionally served in a glass. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

This was the traditional Socorran liquor, brewed from the zsajhira berries which grew near caches of water in the Doaba Badlands. The berries were fermented in a
mixture made from purified water from the planet Neftali. The recipe for raava was originally developed by shaman of the Ibhaan’I tribe and was eventually
entrusted to the Ethra Brewery, and was a heavily guarded secret. When presented to another Socorran, along with the gold hoop Socorran men wear in their
ear, it demands that the receiver provide any assistance they can to the bearer. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 7- 13 credits.

Sullustan Gin
A light and pleasing gin made in the caverns of Sullust. A very easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 4 to 7

An intense Twi’lek liquor always served in decorative decanters. The flavor of Tssolok is not particularly good, but the aftertaste is delicious. A easy stamina
roll. A shot costs between 2 to 4 credits.

An alcoholic drink that was 100% pure alcohol. It was noted for its sky-blue color as well as the use of geref to help enhance its color as well as taste. A very difficult
stamina roll. A shot costs 12 to 16 credits.


Alderaan Beer
An alcoholic beverage.. Pre-Alderaan dustup 2 to 3 credits, After 15 to 30 credits. A very easy stamina roll. Nothing too spectacular about this beer but the price
went through the roof after Alderaan became a expanding cloud of dust.

A popular alcoholic beverage made by the Ardees Beverage Company. It was nicknamed Jawa juice by many who consumed it. The traditional recipe is made
from bantha hide and fermented grains, but there have been many different forms served in cantinas around the galaxy. The stamina roll can range from very easy
to difficult depending on the recipe used. A glass runs from 2 to 5 credits. This ones for the tourists, but it is fun to watch them keel over when they drink one a little stronger than the ones they get back home.

A form of beer. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

A type of alcoholic drink. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 1 to 3 credits.

A form of beer common among the middle class of the Core Worlds. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Dresselian Beer
A foul-smelling , cheap beer. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 1 to 2 credits.

A highly-carbonated beer. A very easy stamina roll. A bottle costs 2-4 credits.

Fox Beer
A malted beverage created in the Outer Rim. Its taste is supposedly “not as bad as it sounds”. Don’t believe that, it s as bad as it sounds. Pure swill . a easy stamina roll. A glass costs 1-2 credits.

Another alien beer. A swirling purple color. A malty fruitiness in its aroma and palate. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Harmon Kizzlebrew
This beer was favored in the Mid Rim, and was an excellent accompaniment to steamed yazstrimskizzies. This is a reference to the Grav-ball player, Harmon
Killebrew. Tracer chemicals could be confused by the bubbling of Harmon Kizzlebrew. A easy glass costs 2-4 credits. From what I hear the Grav-ball Sports Commission once used a tracer chemical to detect the presence of performance enhancing drugs. Well Killebrew used this beer to fool the tests for years,
it wasn’t until he was no longer playing did the truth come out.

Jawa Beer
A cheap, quickly-brewed concoction created by the Jawas. A Easy stamina roll. A glass costs 1-3 credits.

Kashyyykan Bitter Berry Beer
This beer has a powerful acidity, and bursts with wild flavor. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 4 to 7 credits. My father gave me a swig when I was a child,
so I could get some hair on my chest. it put hair on my chest, legs, arms, and every other part of my body. Maybe that‟s why those wookies have so much hair!

Kenley s Lager
This micro-brewed beer was popular during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost 2-4 credits.

This is an frothy, powerful alcoholic beverage brewed on Aduba-3. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 6 to 8 credits.

Phibian Beer
An alcoholic beverage that was popular in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-7 credits.

Potwa Beer
A alcoholic brew created by the Gamorreans. A easy stamina roll. A mug costs 2-5 credits.

Rydan Beer
An alcoholic brew. A darker very dry beer.A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Ryll Beer
A strong narcotic hallucinogen in the form of a beer. It uses the Twi’leki spice ryll, a powerful and addictive mind-altering substance. A moderate stamina roll. A
glass costs between 8 to 15 credits.

Spice Beer
A spicy alcoholic beverage. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-10 credits.

A popular alcoholic beverage. It was one of three types of drinks that made up the cocktail, Sonic Servodriver. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3 to 6 credits.

An alcoholic beverage dark in color, like tarwood varnish.. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 3-6 credits. It tastes like varnish too.

Ugorian Spore-gruel
This is the preferred alcoholic beverage of the Ugor race. A easy stamina roll. Requires a moderate willpower for other races to keep down. A glass costs
between 2-5 credits.

A strong alcoholic beverage native to the planet Qiilura. Among the poor population under the Neimoidian quasi-administration in the time of the early Clone
Wars, it served almost as some kind of currency. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 3-6 credits.

Utoz was an alcoholic beverage produced from the Toz grain on Merisee and many other planets of the Elrood sector. Utozz Prime Brewery was the largest and oldest brewery on Merisee and produced a brand of Utoz called Utozz. A very easy stamina roll is required. A glass costs between 1 to 3 credits.

This brand of utoz was popular in the Elrood Sector, and was brewed in great quantities on Merisee. The natives of Elrood Sector considered Utozz to be something of a delicacy, but many visitors to the sector found it barely drinkable. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 5 credits.

Vaschean Rye
A fermented spirit created on Vasch. It has a fruity start and a gentle dry finish. A easy stamina roll. A bottle costs 3-7 credits.

A vegetable based beer that is as thick as it is green. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 3 credits.

Weg Brew
This was a micro-brewed beer, favored in the Mid and Outer Rim Territories. It has a full gold color, with a green tinge. It is very soft and fruity. A very easy
stamina roll. A glass costs 4-6 credits.

An alcoholic beverage from Dathomir. It was usually served warm. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 7 credits.


Alderaan Ruge
A very rare and expensive liqueur. a very easy stamina roll to drink. A shot costs between 25 to 35 credits before destruction of Alderaan. After Aldreaan’s
destruction a shot runs between 75 to 150 credits.

Aludium pu-36
This unusual, green alcohol was used in some of the strangest drinks of the Old Republic. Not widely available now. A easy stamina roll to drink. A glass
costs between 3 to 6 credits.

A frothy purple alcoholic beverage. A bitter tangy drink that often is served in a insulated cup that keeps the drink at a subzero temperature. Over-consumption was known to cause loss of inhibitions, followed by sleepiness, these symptoms noted particularly in a way indicative of greater effect than the standard effects of
alcohol. A moderate stamina roll to drink and a moderate survival roll are required to avoid hypothermia. A glass costs between 7 to 10 credits.

Black Membrosia
A powerful alcoholic beverage which was much more powerful and more addictive than it’s counterpart Gold membrosia It is especially favored by insectoid races. A very difficult willpower roll is required for insectoid races after consumption; if the roll is failed the person becomes addicted and must consume membrosia every 12 hours or suffer -1d to all skills.

Claing Juice
This strong, red, alcoholic beverage is fermented on Nierport Seven, from the small berries of the thorny Claing bush that grow on the moon’s cold surface. A
moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 6 to 9 credits.

This is an alcoholic spirit consumed on Parein II in the Sarin Sector. Made from Terrberries and select spicy nuts on Parein II 4 in the Sarin sector, it is fermented in
Sweetgreen Fruit hardnut shells. It is rich, refreshing, warming, and hits you like a blaster shot to the head half an hour later. A very easy stamina roll, after an hour make a second stamina check at moderate difficulty. A glass costs between 2 to 5 credits.

Ebranite Lu-ramin Oilmead
This beverage is created with lu-ramin as its base. a difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 5-9 credits.

Endrolian Ground-apple Spirit
A fine spirit, the fermented version of the non-alcoholic juice. a very easy stamina roll. A glass of fermented apple juice costs 2-4 credits.

Gold Membrosia
A powerful alcoholic beverage made by the Killiks. It is especially favored by insectoid races. A moderate willpower roll is required for insectoid races after
consumption, if the roll is failed the person becomes addicted and must consume membrosia every 48 hours or suffer -1d to all skills.

A liquor favored by Wookiees on Kashyyyk, distilled from a plant or its nectar. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 3-6 credits.

Gralinyn Juice
A fermented Wookiee beverage. Light by Wookiee standards. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Gralish Liqueur
A very strong drink. A heroic stamina roll. A shot costs 4-8 credits. I seen someone take a shot of this and fall over in convulsions. Not for newbies and probably most of the races in the galaxy.

Jedi Mind Juice
A viscous, greenish fluid. Secreted by the cochlera of the planet of origin. So named because when harvested and immediately vacuum-sealed, it could be imbibed to give the drinker limited protection against the Force. This property was not widely documented, as no scientific investigation was done. Provides +1D to willpower to resist force powers that affect the mind. The effect lasts for 2 hours. A glass costs 20 to 60 credits.

Juri Juice
Juri juice was an inebriating and addictive drink favored by Kabe at the Mos Eisley Cantina. It was sold in variously-sized and -colored collectible jars. Many different flavors for juri juice existed, the most notable of which was made from a Rodian’s blood. A Easy stamina roll. A Jar cost 6-15 credits. I know a guy who has quite a collection of Juri Juice Jars, people collect anything I guess.

KyLessian Fruit Distillate
Strange Alien fruit mixes, very strong, usually aged for decades. Not for Humans. An difficult stamina roll, a very difficult roll for humans. A shot costs between 6 to
8 credits.

Kyrf Liquor
A fruit grown on Korbin, and, if fermented, an alcoholic beverage. The kyrf fruit was grown on green trees that somehow thrived in arid conditions. The fruit itself was metallic gold in color and oval in shape. When fermented, kyrf liquor was very flavorful and potent to humans, whom were very prone to its intoxicating
effects. A difficult stamina roll for Humans an easy stamina roll for other species. A glass cost 3-6 credits. I’ve seen many a human lose in a drinking match against
an alien because they didnt know about Kyrfs potency to humans.

This was a distinctive, blue-green alcohol distilled from the nectar of the t’iil plant.. Because each t’iil blossom only produces a single droplet of nectar, and because they must be picked by hand, hundreds of thousands of blossoms must be harvested each year to produce a small vintage of l’lahsh. This forced the price of l’lahsh to a high level, especially offplanet. A easy stamina roll. A shot cost 35-45 credits.

Namana Nectar
A thick, pale orange liquor produced on Bakura, it has a delicate, floral aroma and fruity taste. Like all refined namana products, it produced a euphoric feeling and
was addictive. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits. After consumption must make a moderate willpower roll, if failed character becomes addicted and
must consume Namana every 24 hours or suffer 1D to all skill rolls.

This was an inexpensive liquor. A very easy stamina roll. A bottle cost 2-4 credits.

Ondaran Willek Juice
An alcoholic beverage made from willek and from the world of Ondara. It is quite strong. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot cost 4-8 credits.

Rotwort Liqueur
A perfect liqueur created from the aromatic rotwort plant. A easy stamina roll. A glass cost 8-12 credits.

Skannbult Likker
This brew is considered to one of the most volatile intoxicant in the galaxy. A Deep-core kind of fire-water. Variable quality. A heroic +10 stamina roll. A single
costs 10 to 15 credits , a double measure costs 15 to 25 credits. Also called Fire Liquor on Elshandruu Pica. It originated from Skann in the Astal Sector, distilled in
rock basins by local farmers from that planet’s surplus of dust corn and dry gene wheat. Good quality Likker is rare even on its planet of origin, primarily distilled on smaller rural farms; most traders only encountered an inferior quality Likker found in Skann’s spacers’ bar.

Sparkbee Honey
A drink popular among the Yuuzhan Vong. It was formed from the honey of the sparkbee. Sparkbee honey mildly intoxicated the drinker. The honey was a
heavily controlled substance, though not because it was addictive sparkbee honey was flammable if set ablaze, and was particularly dangerous to vonduun
crabs. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-15 credits. Causes 4D damage if ignited.

Spice Liqueur
A highly narcotic hallucinogen in a thick syrup. Not to be taken lightly. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs between 10 to 16 credits.

Spotchka was a popular beverage in the Outer Rim that could be created from the creatures known as krill. It’s origins are from the planet Sorgan. A bottle of Spotchka will run you 5-10 credits.

A recreational and illegal alcoholic beverage. With the right licenses, however, it could be used for medicinal purposes. Due to its intoxicating effects, however, the
wealthy or unscrupulous often acquire licenses to enjoy it as a kind of alcoholic beverage. roll. A glass costs 14-25 credits. This drink is suppose to help with those dealing with chronic eye pain. I don’t know about that but it does get you intoxicated which might account for its appeal as a remedy.

Twi lek Liquor
A green alcoholic beverage possibly invented by the Twi’leks as its name would suggest. It was very potent and would cause immediate intoxication if consumed
too fast. If sipped slowly over an hour, a moderate stamina to drink. If consumed all at once a very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs between 7-12 credits. I‟ve seen drinking matches with twi‟lek liquor they rarely go over 3 rounds.

Mixed Drinks

A Walk in the Phelopean Forest
An alcoholic beverage, It consisted of ten different colored layers of liquid, each with their own densities, and required precision on the part of the bartender to
prevent any of the layers from bleeding into one another. They were poured into a long cylindrical crystal. This could take up to five minutes to assemble.
The drink served four beings and cost fifty credits. A very easy stamina roll if shared among 4 people. If consumed alone then a difficult Stamina roll and bragging rights!

A potent drink indeed. Like the Flameout, this is served on fire. requires a moderate stamina roll to drink. A glass runs between 8 to 10 credits.

Alderaanian Bang
This drink is a blue and green liquor commonly served over dry ice for a nice cloudy effect. In this state the drink is often thought of as relaxing and sweet tasting,
but add a little ‘boom juice’ to the mix (it glows bright red and usually accompanies the beginning of this drink as a shot) and watch the drink fizz and pop until it
turns a flaming color. Be sure to drink it before it curdles! (otherwise it’s been known to cause the glass to explode.) When drink is ordered the Gamemaster should secretly roll a die, on a 1 result the drink will explode after its been served causing 2D in damage. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 6 credits.

Angerian Fishak Surprise
This mixed, alcoholic drink is a favorite at the Binary Bar on Venaari. The surprise was that despite the way it looked, it was actually a very pleasant drink. A easy
stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 7 credits.

Anoat Malted
This is a rich, sweet beverage has a deep, smoky flavor. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Antakarian Fire Dancer
This is a potent alocoholic drink made by filtering alcoholic stock through igneous rock and flavored with crushed gemstones. Not for humans. A easy stamina
roll for aliens who are ingenious based an heroic stamina roll for other species. A glass costs between 20 to 40 credits.

Arboite Twister
A type of strong liquor, said to be so potent it could make a Troig bang its two heads together until both heads lose consciousness. A difficult stamina roll. A
shot glass costs 3 to 6 credits.

Bantha Blaster
A green and pink alcoholic drink that fizzes and pops as it goes down your throat. A easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Bantha-Blood Fizz
An alcoholic drink made from clarified bantha blood. A moderate stamina roll to stomach this drink. A glass costs between 7 to 10 credits.

Barium Frizz
Barium Frizz was an alcoholic drink invented by Wuher, the bartender of Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina. A easy stamina roll is required. A glass will cost 5-7 credits.

Blue Dwarf
An alcoholic beverage. A creamy malty character with some whiskyish notes. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 12 to 15 credits. Why is it called Blue
Dwarf? It was not invented by a midget Chiss, it is a common manifestation to see a tiny blue man on your shoulder after you drink one, at least that‟ s what I‟ve
been told.

An alcoholic beverage favored by Barabels. Tastes horrendous to other species. A Difficult willpower roll to keep from vomiting.

Blumfruit Cooler
An intoxicating drink made from the blumfruit of Endor. A moderate stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 6 to 9 credits. This drink didnt appear on the galactic scene until after the rebellions victory on Endor. It seems some of those pilots celebrating after the battle discovered it and decided to set up a deal with the locals to bottle it.

A drink favored by the Adumari. This complex brew has a deep reddish-brown color and a faintly bitter finish. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Cassandra Sunrise
This alcoholic Cassandran beverage is similar to a Tatooine Sunburn, only much more potent. Not for Humans. It is rumored that the Cassandra Sunrise
makes a remarkably effective sunburn salve for species with exceptionally thick skin. A very difficult Stamina roll, a Heroic stamina roll for humans. A glass costs
between 15 to 20 credits.

This alcoholic concoction is popular in the Outer Rim. After the ingredients are mixed in the glass, an impassioning machine excites the molecules of the
beverage, giving the tongue a sort of electrifying sensation as it is consumed. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 8 credits.

Corellian Spiced Ale
Corellian ale mixed with spiced rum. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

Corellian Twister
An alcoholic beverage. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 7 credits.

Coruscant Cooler
A beverage consisting of mixed wine and fruit juice that originated from Coruscant. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-3 credits.

Cyclonic highballs
Alcoholic beverages associated with island tourism. Liquid inside the glass spins in a wide variety of colors with the aid of a micro repulsor. The glass is often sold as a souvenir. The drink is very sweet and fruity. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 8-12 credits, if souvenir glass is included then cost is 15-20 credits.

Dark Side Daiquiri
A mixed drink. Moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 7-13 credits.

Dentarian Ripple
A deceivingly strong alcoholic drink. A very easy stamina roll, an hour later make a second stamina roll at difficult difficulty. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits. I heard about a con man who used to bet people they couldn’t drink the ripple then follow them when they left, then riffle through their unconscious body when the second wave hit.

Desert Bloom
This mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 5-12 credits.

Double-Dip Outer Rim Rumdrop
This specialty drink, made from a variety of alcohols and mixers, was developed by Shayne Gerarre for the Spirited Spirits shop, located on the planet Cularin. A
easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 8 credits. Just try to order this in a rowdy bar and see what happens come on I dare you

Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud
A beautiful and mellow drink, almost to nice to look at. A mixed drink often served with a fizzy head formed by ionized gas. Some establishments use microshocks to illuminate the gas, making it look like a thundercloud. This particular beverage is highly inebriating. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 6 to 12 credits. This mixed drink has been likened to watching a starfighter flying towards you from the horizon: you can see it coming…you see it flash overhead…there is a brief pause…followed by an almighty and completely unexpected explosion of sound as the shockwave passes. At this point, the drinker should make an Easy Stamina roll or fall off his seat from the impact. The name “thundercloud’ arose because the active ingredients of the drink produce a “fizzy” effect which creates a miniature cloud, simulating an electrical storm.

Embassy Punch
There is a certain mystique in blue cocktails that draws you in and gets the taste buds salivating. Embassy Punch is one of those tempting beverages and the easy cocktail does not disappoint. The recipe is one of the few that comes with a sparkling twist. A splash of Meiloorun soda gives it a lively kick that’s quite the surprise. The blue and yellow-orange ingredients combine to create an aquamarine-like color that’s just a little murky but still beautiful.

This is a mixed, alcoholic drink. A rough blend a fermented bantha hide. It can be served fizzed or atomized, although the fizzed version is considered a
drink for occasional drinkers. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

A strong drink blending Corellian Ale and Corellian Whiskey. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 12-15 credits.

Frosty Sulphate
An alcoholic concoction A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-3 credits.

A strong Wookie beverage made from dried bone and hide mixed with alcohol. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

Ice Blaster
A warming alcoholic beverage made from Sullustan Gin. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

This is a drink given to Wookiee children. It is fermented from alcoari milk and vineberry extract, and is very sweet to the taste. A easy stamina roll. A glass
costs 4-6 credits. Those wacky wookiees even let their children drink .

Jawa Juice
This mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna, during the height of the New Order. The origins of Jawa Juice can be traced to
Dex’s Diner, on the planet Coruscant, more than twenty years before the Battle of Yavin. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits.

A red drink favored by the Ssi-ruuvi, its contents are not known. A moderate Stamina roll. A glass costs 7-12 credits.

Outer Rim Rum Drop
A popular mixed drink, developed on an unspecified Outer Rim world during the last decades of the Old Republic. Distinguished by its reddish color, which
swirls and changes as the drink is consumed. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-13 credits.

Pica Thundercloud
A green, alcoholic beverage which is sipped, rather than mixed or swilled. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 8-12 credits.

Pink Lizard Thunderbolt
An interesting variant on the above. For added realism, the drinker can taste the mud from the ground after being knocked over by the sound wave. At this point, roll a Moderate stamina check to avoid falling over. The drink is named after its inventor – a small, scaly lizard of indeterminate species, gender and color (most people who have tried the drink had difficulty focusing their eyes afterwards) who popped up in one of Margath’s bars off and on for a number of years. After inventing this potion, it never drank anything else, and the brew was eventually named in its honor. A glass costs between 9 to 15 credits.

Pink Nebula
An alcoholic drink. It was served on Corphelion. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Phattro was a beverage served at cantinas and diners in the galaxy. The purple-hued alcoholic version was sold in bottles with “Moshi” printed in Aurebesh on the label, and could be found at establishments including Moshi Bar and Trueping’s on Coruscant and Plop Dribble’s at the Stobar spaceport. A glass costs 8 credits.

Prow was a type of blue alcoholic beverage. The drink notably had a bitter smell. Undiluted prow was being served at the Outlander Club on the planet Coruscant and was kept in a tall tube on the counter behind the club’s central bar.

Rancor Blood
An alcoholic beverage. It was dark red and salty, resembling the blood of a Rancor. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 6-9 credits. This is a beverage ordered by
swoop gangs who want to look tough but really arent as the alcohol content is pretty low.

Randoni Yellow Plague
A strong brew created on Randon and copied at cantinas throughout the galaxy. It is best served chilled. Consumption of the drink by the young was discouraged. A moderate stamina roll. A shot cost 3-8 credits.

Reactor Core
Many hardened drinkers claim that this beverage should only be available by prescription, mainly because of the quantity of narcotic agents that are released by mixing Spice Liqueur and Blue Tonic. The people who drink it claim that this is complete nonsense, no narcotic agents are released and .. . by the way, did you know you’ve just turned into a lampstand? A glass costs between 12 to 18 credits.

Red Cloud
A type of alcoholic beverage made with blood. A glass cost 5-11 credits. A moderate stamina roll.

Red Dwarf
A potent mixed drink made with Horstberry Cider, Lum and Cambrian wine. Favored by the lower class, due to the use of expensive snooty Cambrian wine which A potent mixed drink made with Horstberry Cider, Lum and Cambrian wine. Favored by the lower class, due to the use of expensive ‘snooty’ Cambrian wine which Core-worlders would consider abominable. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Remote Terminator
A strong beverage whose contents vary. The partaker can have the drink served in a preprogrammed fashion, or they can the ingredients randomized. Roll a six sided dice. 1-2 a easy stamina roll. 3-4 a moderate roll. 5 a difficult roll. 6 a very difficult roll. A glass costs between 7-12 credits.

Rummy Tonic
An alcoholic beverage. A moderate stamina roll. A glass cost 5-11 credits.

Sarlacc Kicker
A popular alcoholic drink. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 8-16 credits.

Sea Dew
This beverage was created by the Quarren, and was popular in many bars for its flourish of remarkably dynamic aromatics. A easy stamina roll. A glass of 3 to 7

Sith Scorcher
This was one of the more popular mixed drinks served at The Glow Dome, on Adarlon, and was set afire before being served. A moderate stamina roll. A glass cost 10-15 credits.

This refreshing beverage is best served cold. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-8 credits.

Sonic Servodriver
A cocktail composed of Sullustan gin, Old Janx Spirit, and spicebrew. A moderate stamina roll. A glass cost 12-18 credits.

Starshine Special
This was a special additive developed for use in alcoholic drinks during the last years of the Old Republic. Because of its highly-secret formula and expensive cost, starshine special was only available to those beings who knew the coded gesture used to ask for it. Bumps up any drink one level ex. easy stamina roll to moderate stamina roll. Costs 20-30 credits a shot.

StarShine Surprize
An alien drink that is strong and beautiful. Very hot (spicy). It is named for the first you notice after drinking one: the starfield whirling in front of your eyes
as you hit the ground. Not recommended for Humans. A moderate stamina roll, a difficult roll for humans A glass costs between 9 to 17 credits.

This frozen concoction must be carefully consumed, for it is served at intensely cold temperatures. If spilled, it can cause serious damage to unprotected skin. A easy stamina roll to drink and a difficult survival roll is required to avoid hypothermia. a glass costs 5 to 8 credits.

A type of beverage which packed a strong ‘punch’ when drunk. It was a favourite of the miners on Tyne’s Horky A glass cost 2-3 credits. A moderate stamina roll.

An alcoholic drink made from equal parts of ethanol and Lyme’s rose juice. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 4-11 credits.

Tarkenian Nightflower
An alcoholic drink. A very difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Tatooni Junko
An alcoholic beverage favored by the Hutts. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Tatooine Sunburn
Also known as a Tatooine Sunrise. A drink that is a hot as the twin suns of Tatooine, two StarShine Surprises in a shot. A difficult stamina roll, very difficult for humans. A glass costs between 7 to 12 credits.

This drink, created in the bars of Il Avali on Druckenwell, had a weird, chartreuse color. A very easy stamina roll. -1D to persuasion rolls for 24 hours after
drink is consumed if character is directly talking to someone. There is a reason they call it trooperbreath, it makes your breath smell like you’ve been out in the field
for 3 weeks eating nothing but emergency cubes. In a word: terrible. A glass will cost 2-4 credits

An alcoholic cola drink popular in the Corporate Sector. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits.

A drink made from Corellian brandy and fruit extract. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-8 credits. This is one of the most frufru drinks you can order. Popular
among tourists this drink often comes with a wild array of things hanging off it.

Vishay Water
This is a mildly alcoholic, carbonated beverage. A Very Easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-4 credits.

An alcoholic beverage made with Sullustan gin and stirred, not shaken. a easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 5-10 credits.

Zoochberry cream
A popular beverage served at Imperial functions. It usually contained zoochberry juice, alcohol, and cream from an unknown animal’s milk. It was often provided as
an accent to servings of Whaladon meat. A easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs 6-10 credits.

Zoochberry Juice
A popular beverage consisting mainly of the juice of a zoochberry and usually containing alcohol. It was known to be served at several cantinas in Mos Eisley,
including Chalmun’s Cantina. Zoochberry cream often contained this alcoholic beverage, making it alcoholic as well. A very easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs
4-8 credits.

Yatooni Boska
A alcoholic beverage favored by the Hutts. Given the drink’s name, it would be assumed that part of it is translated to “go” in Huttese. I think this must be a Hutt
practical joke because somethin g in this drink is a natural laxative to other species you literally have to go, if you know what I mean. A moderate willpower roll
is required every hour for 24 hours after consummation. A failed roll requires a trip to the refresher. A moderate stamina roll to drink. A drink costs 3-7 credits


Chadian Rum
This version of rum is distilled on the planet Chad. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Corellian Rum
A alcoholic beverage from Corellia. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 2 to 4 credits. For my credits spend a little more and get the spiced version of this

Corellian Spiced Rum
A spicy and sweet rum, sometimes mixed with Corellian Ale to make Corellian Spiced ale. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 6 credits.

Corvani Rum
A savory and mild form of rum. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs 3-8 credits.

Ergesh Rum
This highly-priced spirit is fermented on Ergesh. A moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 12-20 credits.

Liquid Galaxies
A beverage which poured out of its bottle in thick droplets, each appearing to be a tiny galaxy of stars. In addition to its unique appearance, it also tastes great. A
moderate stamina roll. A shot costs 15-25 credits.

Malt Ferment
This mildly-alcoholic beverage was popular among the younger generation of moisture farmers on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. A very
easy stamina roll. A glass costs 1-3 credits.

Oo’ta Goo’ta
Oo’ta Goo’ta was a type of rum from the planet Rodia. It came in a blue bottle, with a large yellowish label written in Aurebesh, with the drink’s name at the top and a picture of a Rodian in the middle, with the caption “RODIAN RUM” printed underneath; and additional text which appeared to read “PRODUCT OF RODIA,” at the bottom. It was found at Cid’s Parlor in Ord Mantell City at the bar at the Safa Toma Speedway on Serolonis and in Club Lao Che. A glass costs 2-5 credits.

A fermented spirit. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-6 credits.


Bomcalanuirian Vodka
A heavily intoxicating spirit distilled by the hardy natives of the planet. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 6-9 credits.

This drink lights up with phosphorescent glow when exposed to oxygen. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 1 to 3 credits. I knew a prospector who
used these drinks to light his way in the caves he was in. He used to say they were as cheap as glowrods and you could drink them after.

Eth Fire Water
Feel the burn, baby. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs between 3 to 5 credits.

Gruvian Tovash
This was an alcoholic spirit produced on the planet Gruvia. It was favored by Bothans. It was discovered that Gruvian Tovash, when mixed with ryll spice,
reacted with incendiary force. Ryll addicts often drank a shot of Tovash after consuming ryll, burping up puffs of blue smoke as a way to impress their friends. A glass costs between 10 to 14 credits.

Idlewil Liquor
This rare, expensive alcohol was distilled by the Shashay. A difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 20- 35 credits.

A potent brew that often has to be diluted with water and ice. A difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 4-8 credits. You can ask for Isothane pure to have it undiluted. A
heroic stamina roll. A shot costs 8-15 credits. Isothane pure is one the most potent things you can dr ink. I saw a Hutt drink this once spin around then collapse. It took 8 of his Gamorrean bodyguards to drag him out of the cantina.

Lokkian Booster Blast
An alcoholic drink served on Lok. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot cost 5-14 credits

Mandallian Narcolethe
An alcoholic beverage made by the Mandallian Giants who inhabited the Mandalore system. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 5-8 credits.

Must be the real thing from Mandalore, very hard to find and therefore very expensive. Great drink, a true warriors drink. Think of the history. A moderate
stamina roll. A shot costs between 30 to 45 credits.

Old Janx Spirit
A strong, distilled liquor. It along with Sullustan gin and spicebrew— could be used to make the cocktail Sonic Screwdriver. A difficult stamina roll. A shot cost 3-6

Old Trusty
The name of an alcoholic beverage distilled by settlers on Ruusan. A moderate stamina roll. A glass cost 2-5 credits.

Renan Irongut
Whoa, what a drink. Not to be taken lightly. Great rust remover. This drink is named simply after what you need to drink it. (Downing it in one drink requires a Moderate Stamina roll!) Tradition has it that the potion also makes a potent rust remover. However, as this drink cost around 3 to 5 credits a shot, it’s much cheaper to buy real rust remover and use that; so far no-one has gotten around to testing the brewer’s claims

A strong drink. A difficult stamina roll. A glass cost 5-12 credits.

Settov Hammer
A strong alcoholic beverage. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 6-9 credits. This drink is called the Hammer because it makes your head feel like the anvil.

Shesharilian Vodka
This powerful liquor is fermented and bottled in the Shesharile System. A difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 6-10 credits. This is a nice liquor but a big wallop in the
aftertaste. Watch out.

Silika Water
A highly-potent alcoholic distillation created by the Silika race. A difficult stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits. I’ve seen Silikas drink this like water but there
are few races who could to do the same.

A colorless and fiery spirit of Mandalorian origin. It was a strong clear spirit and looked like syrup. It was made from fruit. A difficult stamina roll. A shot costs between 3-7 credits.

This relatively strong liquor was popular on Tatooine during the last decades of the Old Republic. a moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.


This is a potent Wookiee liquor made from Kashyykian fungus mixed with alcohol. Requires a difficult stamina check to drink. only for the strong of heart! A foaming glass costs between 6 and 8 credits.

Breath of Heaven
The Galaxy’s most potent fire water. This stuff is as strong as it comes. A heroic+15 stamina roll, this could put you in a coma. A glass costs between 10 to 14
credits. I’ve seen three people order this in my life, One is dead, one has been committed to a mental institution and the last used it to clean his landspeeder engine.

Corellian Whiskey
A strong but mellow drink, a true whiskey in the old sense. Very expensive outside of Corellia. Whyren’s Reserve is one of the best brands. The whiskey has a
woody, spicy flavor that was similar to the scent of Caamasi. Corellian whiskey is primarily popular among Corellians themselves. Despite its popularity with them,
most Corellians not actually living on Corellia itself tend to reserve the drink for special occasions, due to its rarity and prohibitive expense elsewhere in the galaxy.
Possibly in response, distillers on worlds colonized by Corellians, such as the Ethra Brewery on Socorro, started producing their own versions. A Moderate
stamina roll. A shot costs between 10 to 14 credits on Corellia. Off Corellia a shot runs between 20 to 30 credits.

Dodbri Whiskey
This is an awesomely strong spirit. A very difficult stamina roll. A shot costs 8 to 12 credits.

Dorian Quill
An alcoholic beverage aged 12 years or more. An Easy stamina difficulty. A shot costs between 3 to 7 credits.

An alcoholic beverage favored by the Hutts. It is unknown if the drink was named in honor of Gardulla the Hutt from the desert world of Tatooine, if the Hutt
was named after the drink or if it is a mere coincidence that they share the same name. A very difficult stamina roll. A mug cost 3-7 credits.

Halmad Prime
This grain alcohol was one of the primary exports of the planet Halmad. It was regarded as the best, and most expensive, alcohol produced on Halmad, and was
only available on its world of distillation through the black market. Almost all Halmad Prime was shipped off to Imperial worlds..A Moderate stamina roll. A shot
costs 17 to 25 credits on world. Off world costs 25 to 35 credits.

Hedrett Oil-rig Whiskey
An extremely dry alcoholic beverage with a razor sharp finish. A difficult stamina roll. A jug costs 5-11 credits.

Ithorian Mist
A type of whiskey favored by Ithorians. A easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 3 to 6 credits . They call it mist because it can be inhaled through an aerosol or in
its liquid form. I saw a guerilla fighter use his as an impromptu flame thrower when a squad of impies decided to raid the bar he was in. They were scraping up melted plastoid for days.

A kind of moonshine. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 2-4 credits. It’s rumored you can use this stuff as jetpack fuel, I would nt want to try it though.

Johrian Whiskey
This is a blue-green grain alcohol. A very easy stamina roll. A shot costs between 2 to 4 credits.

Menkooro Whiskey
An alcoholic beverage known to be the perfect compliment to bruallki. A smugglers’ saying went that “If we had some bruallki, we could have bruallki and
Menkooro… if you had some Menkooro.” A easy stamina roll. A shot cost 4-7 credits.

Merenzane Gold
A subtle, sweet-tasting alcoholic beverage that has been brewed in the galaxy for thousands of years. Depending on the vintage, it can be quite expensive. A
easy stamina roll. A shot cost 25-40 credits.

Rancor s Breath
A type of alcoholic beverage. It could be purchased in the Raging Rancor Cantina, on Genarius. A Difficult stamina roll. A shot cost 3-7 credits. I knew a miner who
drunk this every day believing that it would prevent blacklung. Well he never got blacklung but he did die of liver failure.

Sacorrian Grain Whiskey
A spirit, distilled on Sacorria from the many grains
which were grown there. A difficult stamina roll. A shot
cost 6-12 credits.

Whyren s Reserve
This is one of the best brands of Corellian whiskey. It
had an amber color and a crisp, woody taste. It was a
favorite of the black market trade. A easy stamina roll.
A shot costs between 15 to 24 credits on Corellia. Off
Corellia a shot runs between 40 to 50 credits


Alderaanian Emera Wine
A type of wine that was from Alderaan, this is actually a nice robust wine, I still have a bottle or two in my cellar I might break out. Pre Alderaan 10 to 15 a bottle, post 30 to 50 credits a bottle. A easy stamina roll for a glass.

Alderaan Wine
A drink served steamed over a muskwood fire. A very easy stamina roll. A bottle costs between 20-40 credits. Something about the muskwood gives this wine
a distinctive flavor that cant be replicated by any other means.

A wine best served at 50 degrees, in a 40-degree glass. A very easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

Andoan Wine
This distinctive wine is produced on Ando, and is aged in heavy casks. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 6 credits.

Aquala Cuttlewine
An alcoholic drink favored by fishermen on the aquatic world of Ando. A easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 1 to 3 credits.

A type of wine made from a red-purple fruit. The fruit had the same name as a fungus-like tree in the Jasserak Highlands of Drongar. A easy stamina roll to drink. A
glass costs 5 to 7 credits.

Bespin Sparkle
A sparkling wine produced on Cloud City during the era of the New Republic. a very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 6 credits.

Blossom Wine
A fragrant wine created on the planet Naboo by distilling natural essences of several different flower blossoms and then combining them with natural juices.
A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 5 to 8 credits.

Bothan Grain Wine
An alcoholic beverage made by Bothans. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-8 credits.

Cambrian Wine
This is a fine wine produced on many Core Worlds. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 6 credits.

Celanon Semi-Dry
An excellent, but unrefined, wine. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 7 to 11 credits.

Chandrilan Wine
A light crisp wine produced on Chandrila. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-8 credits.

Chimbak Wine
A thick, red wine from Alderaan. A easy stamina roll. A glass cost 8-14 credits. A flavorful wine though I never liked the consistency. It always feels like I‟m drinking

Corellian Merlot
An alcoholic beverage from Corellia. a easy stamina roll to drink. A glass costs between 6 to 11 credits.

Coruscant Blush Wine
A alcoholic beverage that was served at dinners at the Vor-cal Feast. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 9 to 18 credits.

Creme D Infame
Considered one of the most valuable wines ever produced during the Old Republic. Any bottle that survived to the era of the Clone Wars is virtually
priceless. one of the most sought-after types of wine in the Galaxy. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2000-3500 credits.

Deltron Spice Wine
This is a strong, spicy wine which is favored in some of the galaxy’s seedier cantinas. It was fermented by a portable microwave machine and then served instantly.
A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs between 3 to 5 credits.

Derellium Wine
A native Lianna vintage of wine. A musky aroma with a sharp taste. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 5-10

Doan Wine
This good spirit induces a state of shock when imbibed in great quantities. A moderate stamina roll. -2D to perception with a failed roll. A glass costs 3-7 credits.

Drilbian Wine
A tasty fermentation. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 6-10 credits.

Emerald Wine
Also known as green wine is traditionally served with braised nerf. A glass costs 5-10 credits. Its nice with nerf but better with Fromirian Roast Queg.

Endorian Port
This full-bodied, sweet wine was vinted on the Forest Moon of Endor during the second decade of the New Republic. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 3-5
credits. A bottle costs 15-25 credits.

Glastroan Wine
This wine was produced by the Bimms who lived in the city of Glastro. It has a light, fluent clarity of flavor. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 6-10 credits.

Gold Wine
It was served on Hapes. A glass cost 8-15 credits. A easys tamina roll. You could pay less for better wine in my opinion.

Gorimn Wine
This fermented Wookiee beverage is considered mild, although it packs a wallop to humans. A moderate Stamina roll for Wookies. a Difficult stamina roll for
humans. A glass costs 5- 10 credits.

Mandalorian Wine
A type of wine made by the Mandalorians. A moderate stamina roll. A glass costs 7-13 credits.

Meir Wine
This intoxicant was developed on the planet Sullust, around the time of the Battle of Naboo. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-11 credits.

Necr ygor Omic
An interstellar wine (’47, ’49, ’50, and ’52 were good vintages). A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 13-28 credits.

This wine is fermented from the fabled fruit fields of the planet Nepoy. Also known as Nepoy Juice. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 14-32 credits.

Pallie Wine
An alcoholic beverage sold in Tatooine. Naduarr’s wine was considered to be one of the best in Mos Espa. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost 7-16 credits.

Polanis Wine
A full-bodied red wine. Rich in sweetness and tangy acidity. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 8 credits.

Pyussh Wine
Made from Pyusshthe berries that are crushed and then fermented. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-11 credits.

Purple Wine
This wine was light on the palate but gives the impression of an intricately crafted flavor. A very easy stamina roll. A glass cost between 6 to 12 credits.

Red Wine
A type of wine made by maceration during the grape fermentation. It was present in Coruscant red wine Vinaigrette. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs
between 3-8 credits.

Renan Wine
Very nice vintages available. Many different kinds of wines as well: dinner, dessert, etc. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 4 to 7 credits.

Rimble Wine
One of the most expensive wines found in the galaxy, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Because its vintages were rare, a single bottle cost a thousand
credits or more. A very easy stamina roll.

Rodian Wine
A wine from Rodia. Some merchants (mostly Rodians) considered it the best stuff in the galaxy. A easy stamina roll. A bottle cost 6-18 credits.

Sand Wine
This form of wine was created on the planet Tatooine. A easy stamina roll. A glass costs 2-5 credits.

Sullustan Wine
An alcoholic beverage. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 4-8 credits.

Tallian Wine
A fine wine favored by Kaminoan Glorii Profus who gave a ritualistic pre-embarkation toast to clone troopers departing for action. A very easy stamina roll. A glass
costs 8-15 credits.

Tarul Wine
A prestige alcoholic beverage from Naboo. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs 7-14 credits.

T’illa Tiil
A triple carbonated Twilek wine. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs between 6 to 9 credits.

Ugnaught wine
An alcoholic beverage, surprisingly good. A glass costs 3-6 credits. A easy stamina roll.

Veronian Berry Wine
A sweet berry wine with light flavors, a great desert wine. Veronian berry wine was a beverage on the market during the Galactic Civil War. It was considered
one of the finest vintages in the galaxy, though many imitations were available, including non-alcoholic versions. A very easy stamina roll. A glass costs
between 6 to 12 credits.

Zeltronian Spiced Wine
A wine flavored with any number of illegal spices. Favored by those who wish to forget the previous evening. The beverage was known for its odd smell. A
difficult stamina roll. A glass costs between 12 to 16 credits.