Bonadan was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories Corporate Sector that marked the start of the Hydian Way. By 10 BBY, the arms dealers Ephant Mon and Masse Goskey had attended an arms exchange on the planet.
Month: August 2023
Nalle Triplets
The Nalle triplets, comprising Mya Nalle, Yma Nalle and Lela Nalle Mayn, were a trio of Human females offered by Mayor Acros-Krik as guides to targets he wanted monitored. The Nalle triplets reported to the mayor any useful information their guests foolishly divulged.
Ganwick Trag
Ganwick Trag was a male with an impressive set of muscles. As assistant bartender of Bufon Taire, Trag left an impression on the customers that made them think twice to start making noise. They wondered if Trag was not wearing his shirt without sleeves to show his biceps.
TK-8190, a human male stormtrooper under the Galactic Empire on Bracca, encountered Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis after the latter fell onto his moving train while evading capture from Inquisitors.
D'ian, was a planet with balmy weather and shallow seas that was located within the D'ian system of the Outer Rim Territories. After the rise of the Galactic Empire, which formed in 19 BBY, the planet came to be part of the Corporate Sector, an area of space controlled by the Corporate Sector Authority. While a part of the Corporate Sector, D'ian became a thriving merchant world with several successful business schools.
Kell Borean
Kell Borean was a Human female patron of the Outlander Club on Coruscant, especially fond of the gaming tables.
Stormtrooper Scout Armor
Scout trooper armor was the standard armor worn by the Imperial scout troopers.
The Clone Wars S05E14 Eminence
Savage and Maul forge an alliance with Death Watch to target a common enemy: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
A-Z-Z-3 Light Freighter
The A-Z-Z-3 Light Freighter was a popular Mon Calamari transport used during the Galactic Civil War.
Gage-class Transport
The Gage-class transport was a transport design used by the Sith Empire of the Great Galactic War. It resembled the larger Terminus-class destroyer but wielded fewer turbolaser batteries.