Empatojayos Brand was a Jedi Knight and survivor of the Great Jedi Purge. A Padawan of Jedi Master Yaddle, Brand graduated to Knighthood after the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY.
Month: June 2023
Bane Back Spider
Bane Back Spiders were large spiders native to various regions of the planet Dathomir. They were able to project their poisonous saliva to ward off threats.
Choyyssyk was a Wookiee male commander and member of Chieftain Tarfful's resistance group on Kashyyyk during the Imperial Era.
Lorth Needa
Lorth Needa was a human male who served as a lieutenant commander of a Carrack-class light cruiser, and later captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger, a ship assigned to the Sith Lord Darth Vader's Death Squadron, during the Battle of Hoth.
The Clone Wars S05E08 Bound for Rescue
With Ahsoka captured by Hondo's pirates, the younglings work together to infiltrate the pirates' den, using their wits and courage to deceive Hondo Ohnaka and launch a daring rescue.
L9-7240 was the designation of an Imperial scout trooper stationed on the planet Kashyyyk in 14 BBY. While fighting Partisans led by the rebel Saw Gerrera, the trooper was carried in an All Terrain Armored Transport crossing the River of Origin.
Neimoidian Royal Guard
The Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion, also known as the Royal Guard, was a Separatist military unit created by the Separatist Council of the Confederacy of Independent Systems to provide important officials with sentient guards when it was too risky to use droids that were vulnerable to centralized deactivation.
Rum Sleg
Rum Sleg was a humanoid who worked as a bounty hunter during the reign of the Galactic Republic.
Lufta Shif
Lufta Shif was a human female who served as the Education Regent of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council during the Fall of the Republic.
Eskro Casrich
Eskro Casrich was a human male soldier who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the Galactic Civil War.