The FC-20 speeder bike was a small, one-being speeder bike produced by Razalon prior to the Battle of Naboo.
Month: June 2022
Patrok Ru-Saxon
Patrok Ru-Saxon was a male Mandalorian human police captain who served in the Mandalorian Guard during the Clone Wars. He was in command of the Sundari shipping docks during a poisoning epidemic instigated by Moogan smugglers on Mandalore.
Obi-Wan Kenobi – S01E06 – Part VI
Obi Wan is drawn into a confrontation with Vader, as Luke's fate hangs in the balance.
Mooga Smuggling Ring Enforcer
A ring of Moogan and Gotal smugglers operated from Mooga during the Clone Wars. The ring was led by Tee Va, and was once given the job of infusing slabin into tea on the planet Mandalore's capital city Sundari.
Armatan was a human male Mandalorian who served in the Ruling Council of the New Mandalorians during the Clone Wars as Minister of Interior.
Portable Vaporator
Portable vaporators were a type of moisture vaporator that could be used to collect and serve water on desert planets like Tatooine.
Roken’s Shuttle
Rokin had a small shuttle that could be stored in the hanger of his freighter. In 9 BBY Obi-Wan Kenobi used this shuttle to lure Dark Vader and his Star Destroyer away from Rokin's Freighter filled with those looking to escape the Empire.
Amis was one of the most promising cadets of the Royal Academy of Government, a prestigious institution that trained the best and brightest of Mandalorian youth to pursue careers in politics.
Wow, what a great series Kenobi turned out to be. I hope you all were able to enjoy it as much as I did. Regardless, it brought about a lot when it comes to the complete Star Wars Saga. It was a lot of fun to put together the Obi-Wan Kenobi Source Guide and to […]