Saturday, September 7, 2024

Author: PT White



Faust were an alien species of tall humanoids with pale blue skin, a double set of eyelids, and light-colored eyes. Their homeworld was the planet Adana. One notable member of this species was the scientist Doctor Nuvo Vindi, who recreated Blue Shadow Virus for the Confederacy of Independent Systems

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TR-350 was a T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid who was part of Separatist scouting patrol on the planet Naboo that was attacked by members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces during the Clone Wars.

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Standing around five meters tall, with their long arms, immense jaws, and armored hides that could withstand blaster fire, they were formidable predators. A subspecies known as the jungle rancor populated the planet Felucia. Rage rancors were taller and had an even nastier temperament than an average rancor.

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