Friday, July 26, 2024

Author: PT White


Kessel Castle

Kessel Castle was a structure that existed on the planet by the Clone Wars. It was located on the unspoiled jungle side of Kessel, and had a tower where starships could dock and a banquet hall where the king’s majordomo, Kinash Lock, often entertained guests in his stead.

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Sirro Argonne

Sirro Argonne was a human male scientist who served in the Galactic Republic’s Ministry of Science before becoming an operations specialist in the Galactic Empire’s Tarkin Initiative and being assigned to the planet Eadu. He was executed by death troopers under the command of Director Orson Krennic after a message was sent to the rebellious Partisans by Argonne’s colleague Galen Erso.

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Kessel was a planet within the Akkadese Maelstrom that hosted spice mines. The planet also exported coaxium and Kesselstone. While Kessel’s northern hemisphere was devoted to mining, the planet’s southern hemisphere was home to lush sanctuaries.

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Type II Loadlifter

Type II Loadlifter droids are sometimes commissioned by unscrupulous business types on the Coruscant underworld. The repurposed demolition droids are prone to violence and, without the aid of a restraining bolt, have been glimpsed rampaging on the city streets.

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