Species: Zaba Wolf
Planet of Origin: Andraven
Special Abilities:
Strong Jaws: STR+2D damage
Move: 12
Size: 2.2 meters long
Orneriness: 3D
Background: The zaba wolf was a type of legendary wolf on the world Andraven. The Andraven inhabitants once befriended the zaba wolves with kao reed flutes, also using them as mounts. By around 232 BBY, however, none of the wolves had been spotted for a number of years. During the Andraven Gumar Adraki’s Ancestors Circuit, a zaba wolf appeared and pursued Adraki and his friends—the Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. The Jedi distracted the wolf while Andraki fashioned a flute from a kao reed. Using the flute, Andraki befriended the wolf, which carried him to the end of the circuit.
Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures