Craft: Reengineered Stormseed Defense Grid Satellite
Type: Stormwall Defense Grid Device
Scale: Capital
Length: 1600 meters
Maneuverability: 0D (Stationary)
Space: 0D (Stationary)
Hull: 5D
Shields: 4D
Sensors: 75/1D; 150/2D; 300/3D+2; 9/5D
Plasma Bolt
Fire Arc: Forward
Crew: Automated
Scale: Capital
Space Range: 1-20/40/100
Damage: 3D to 10D (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or maximum power)

Toxic Cloud Projector
Fire Arc: Forward
Crew: Automated
Scale: Capital
Space Range: 200-800/4000/50000
Damage: Obstructs all sensors and communications

Background: Stormseeds were devices that destroyed starships traveling through hyperspace to the area of realspace in which they were activated and deployed. The original stormseeds were commissioned by Marchion Ro for the group of marauders known as the Nihil that he led as their so-called ‘Eye’. It was developed with the aid of people Ro called “noble martyrs,” like scientist Chancey Yarrow. After the Nihil was defeated, Republic scientists researched the technology. They adapted it to protect sensitive space regions, including the Jewels of the Old Republic. These nine planets were hidden from navigation computers due to being a part of the Republic Treasury System, where credits were minted. These massive devices were designed to surround the planet in a toxic gas cloud to give the impression of a gas giant. The devices also had Plasma Bolt Generators that were strong enough to destroy most ships. This created a barrier in which protected the planets from harm. Only select Republic Courier ships, like the Onyx Cinder, were able to travel through the barrier unharmed.