Name: Mira Bridger
Type: Rebel
Species: Human
Homeworld: Lothal
Gender: Female
Born: —
Died: 3 BBY (997 GC)
Hair Color: Copper
Eye Color: Purple
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Tan
Blaster: 3D+2
Brawling Parry: 4D
Dodge: 4D
Melee Combat: 3D+1
Melee Parry: 3D+1
Astrogation: 3D
Communications: 3D+1
Ground Vehicle Operation: 3D+2
Hover Vehicle Operation: 3D+2
Machinery Operation: 4D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
Sensors: 4D
Space Transport: 4D
Starfighter Piloting: 3D
Search: 2D+2
Brawling: 3D+1
Construction: 4D+1
Stamina: 4D
Capital Ship Repair: 3D+2
Communications Repair: 4D+1
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+1
Droid Repair: 4D+2
Ground Vehicle Repair: 5D
Hover Vehicle Repair: 5D
Machinery Repair: 5D
Repulsorlift Repair: 5D
Space Transports Repair: 4D+2
Starfighter Repair: 5D
Starship Weapon Repair: 5D
Special Abilities:
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 6
Move: 10
Equipment:Â Blaster Pistol (3D), utility belt, tools, datapad, comlink
Background:Â Mira Bridger was a human female dissident during the height of the Galactic Empire, hailing the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, who was an outspoken opponent of the rule of the Empire. She and her husband, Ephraim, broadcast underground revolutionary messages against the Galactic Empire, and Lothal’s governor, Ryder Azadi, supported these actions. Because of their broadcasts, the Bridgers and Azadi were arrested and imprisoned by the Empire. This left their son, Ezra, to fend for himself on Lothal for nearly a decade.
While in prison, Mira and Ephraim eventually learned that Ezra had become part of a rebel cell that fought against the Empire on Lothal. They heard a message of rebellion that he broadcast to Lothal and nearby star systems, inspiring them to fight for their freedom from Imperial activity. Mira and her husband led a prison revolt that led to dozens of prisoners escaping, but Mira and Ephraim were killed during the escape.
Appearances: Rebels