Craft: Hovercart
Type: Transport Vehicle
Scale: Speeder
Length: 10 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: hover cart
Crew: 1
Passengers: 12
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Ground level up to 120 meters
Cost: 10,000 (new), 4,500 (used)
Move: 30; 90 kmh
Body Strength: 1D+1
Background: Hovercarts were various types of repulsorlift vehicles with or without propulsion units. Some were pulled by creatures as a means of propulsion. During the High Republic Era, when Nihil pirates kidnaped the Blythe family of Elphrona, the destruction of the pirates’ landspeeder in the initial attack forced them to steal the Blythes’ repulsorcart and five steelees as transportation. Two of the creatures were employed to pull the cart.
During the Clone Wars, Sugi arms dealers used hovercarts on Utapau, and Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi stole one to transport a massive Kyber crystal across the planet’s plains.
During the Gorse Conflict, The former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus used a hovercart to unload a shipment of barium-357 from his freighter Expedient on the moon Cynda. He used the same hovercart to evacuate the wounded miner Yelkin after discovering an illegal test bomb in Zone Forty-Two. Using his Force powers, Kanan pushed Yelkin to safety on the hovercart and cushioned the hovercart’s landing. Later, Kanan and his rebel companions Hera Syndulla, Skelly, and Zaluna Myder used a hovercart to travel through Count Denetrius Vidian’s headquarters, the Calcoraan Depot, to reach his quarters.
On At Attin, hovercarts were used to mint the Republic credits, transporting the pallets of credits or personnel from the surface down to the vaults.
Appearances: The Clone Wars, Rebels, Skeleton Crew