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Type: Clone Lieutenant
Species: Human (Clone)
Homeworld: Kamino
Gender: Male
Born: 32 BBY (968 GC)
Died: —
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.83m
Weight: 78 kg
Skin: Tan

Blaster 5D+1
Brawling Parry 5D
Dodge 5D
Grenade 4D
Melee Combat 6D
Melee Parry 5D
Missile Weapon: 3D
Vehicle Blasters: 5D

Alien Species: 4D
Bureaucracy: 3D
Cultures: 4D
Intimidation: 4D
Languages: 4D
Tactics: 4D

Astrogation: 5D
Ground Vehicle Operation: 4D
Jet Pack Operation: 5D
Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
Space Transports: 5D
Starfighter Piloting: 5D
Starship Gunnery: 4D
Starship Shields: 4D
Swoop Operation: 4D
Walker Operation: 4D

Bargain: 4D
Command: 3D
Con: 3D
Hide: 4D
Investigation: 4D
Persuasion: 4D
Search: 4D
Sneak: 4D+2

Brawling: 3D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 5D
Stamina: 4D

Armor Repair: 4D
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Demolitions: 4D+2
Droid Repair: 3D
First Aid: 4D
Security: 5D

Special Abilities:
Military Training: All Clones go through intensive military training throughout their formative years.

Obedient: Clones are conditioned to obey their superiors’ orders without question, loyally follow the the chain of command.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 12
Move: 10

Equipment: 2 DC-17 blaster pistols 5D, Phase 2 Clone Trooper Armor (+2D Physical, +1D Energy, -1D Dexterity, -1 Move)

Background: Clone Lieutenant was a rank held by several clone trooper officers throughout the Republic Military during the Clone Wars. The rank would continue to be used within the early Imperial Era as clones filled out the ranks of the early Stormtrooper Corps.

A Clone Lieutenant was a clone trooper with the rank of lieutenant in the Grand Army of the Republic or Galactic Republic Navy, both of which were part of the overall Republic Military. In the Grand Army, a Clone Lieutenant commanded a platoon of thirty-six troopers via the position of platoon leader. The four lieutenants of a company, in turn, were led by their respective Clone Captains. However, Clone Lieutenants could also hold command in smaller army units, such as a squad, and fell into the command structure of overall formations, such as divisions. Indeed, a Clone Lieutenant could assume command of an overall force should something happen to their superiors. Clone trooper pilots active under the Republic Navy could also hold the rank of lieutenant. Elite Advanced Recon Commandos and clone commandos could also hold the rank.

At the start of the Clone Wars, Phase I armored lieutenants wore clone trooper armor featuring four blue circles on the left breastplate as well as a stripe of blue down the length of each arm, vertically up the middle of the helmet, and laterally around the visor. Encouraged by the Jedi to personalize their armor and develop their personalities, clone troopers, including the lieutenants, would quickly come to personalize their gear with unit markings and individual flourishes. Such would continue into the days of Phase II clone trooper armor. During the early Imperial Era, the Clone Lieutenant rank persisted into the Stormtrooper Corps.

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