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Name: DT-5537
Type: Imperial Death Trooper
Species: Human
Homeworld: —
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: —
Eye Color: —
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: —

Blaster: 5D+2
Blaster: Blaster Rifle 7D+2
Blaster: Light Repeating Blaster Pistol 7D
Dodge: 5D+1
Grenade: 4D+2
Melee Combat: 4D+2
Melee Parry: 5D

Survival: 4D
Tactics: 3D+2

Communications: 3D

Search: 3D+2

Brawling: 4D+2

Armor Repair: 2D+2
Blaster Repair: 2D+2
Demolitions: 4D+1

Special Abilities:
Squad Tactics: Due to their training, Death Trooper squads do not need to make a command roll to combine actions in combat.
Loyal: because of the indoctrination and training that Death Troopers receive, they cannot be bribed, blackmailed, or seduced to act against the Galactic Empire, fellow allies or their mission. Any such attempt automatically fails.
Authority by Fear: The black armor design and rumored background of the Death Troopers are designed specifically to instill fear into others (+1D modifier to intimidation skill checks)

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 12
Move: 10

Equipment: E11D blaster rifle (5D+2), SE-14r repeating blaster pistol (4D+2), thermal detonator (10D), three C-25 fragmentation grenades (6D)

Death Trooper armor
Standard Armor: +2D to resist physical damage, +1D to resist energy damage.
Integrated Neuro-Saav marcomotion monitor: +1D to Search for moving targets.
Multi-frequency Targeting and Acquisition Sensors: +1D to Blaster skill.
Image-Intensifying, Active Pulse Emitters: No lowlight or Smoke cover penalties.
Reflec base coating: Add two difficulty levels to sensor scans attempting to detect and +2D to sneak under lowlight conditions.
ComSec Comlink: Scrambles all external communications to interfere with overheard inter-squad communications. +1D to Intimidation.
Climate Control Bodyglove: Allows for operation in warm, mild, and cold environments without penalty.
Utility belt: containing high-tension wire, grappling hooks, spare blaster power packs, ion flares, concentrated rations, spare comlink, water packs, 2 medpacs.

Background: DT-5537 was the designation of a human death trooper that was part of Unit TI-23. Having undergone advanced training at a camp on Scarif and received classified augmentations, DT-5537 was proficient in demolitions, improvised weaponry, and guerrilla tactics.

Appearances: Rogue One

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