

The Leffingite were a sentient species native to Almak. After the rise of the Galactic Empire, they were attacked by…

19 hours ago


The Mohsenians were a sentient species with cream skin, graying fur, and large dark eyes.

7 days ago


The Caphex were a humanoid sentient species with wispy hair that grew from the sides of their faces.

2 weeks ago


The Noghri were a sentient species native to Honoghr. They had gray skin, a row of horns on their head,…

3 weeks ago


Tarlafars were a short, white-furred sentient species of which Wamoth, Ailish, and Bayrn were members.

2 months ago

Yam’rii (aka The Huk)

The Yam'rii, also known as the Huk, were an insectoid sentient species from the Wild Space planet Huk, that were…

2 months ago


The Sabat were a sentient species in the galaxy from Sabata.

3 months ago


Talpini were a sentient species native to Tal Pi. Weeteef Cyu-Bee, a member of the Partisans, was a member of…

3 months ago


Tharnakans were sentient species from the planet Tharnaka. They were forced to flee their homeworld and subterranean dwellings when massive…

3 months ago


Jablogians were a sentient species native to the planet of Nar Kanji.

4 months ago