Troig Seeks Separation

TWIN CITIES, POLLILLUS – Medical ethics are getting a noteworthy test in the case of a Troig Saprah seeking separation from his Saprin on the technology-poor world of Pollillus. Dwuirsintabb, or known to offworlders as Dwuir and Tabb, are the subject of heated debate. Dwuir is seeking separation from Tabb, whom he describes as mentally disturbed and suicidal. The catch is that the two share the same body. Surgical separation is possible, but not with current Troig medical technology. The Troigs are looking for offworld help, but the ethical implications are complex: the surgery will result in the death of one of the Troigs. “We can’t just separate and kill Tabb, but leaving them together puts both of them at risk,” said Doctor Senya Velop of the Rhire Medical Academy.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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