The Old Republic


The Khil were a sentient species native to the planet Belnar. They were among the earliest member species of the…

3 years ago


The Feeorin were a bipedal species of sapients that spread across the Outer Rim after the demise of their homeworld,…

3 years ago


Draethos were a predatory humanoid species from the planet Draethos, notable for their long natural lifespans.

3 years ago

Praetorian-class frigate

The Praetorian-class frigate was a capital ship manufactured by Rendili Hyperworks for the Republic Navy during the Great Sith War.

3 years ago


The Cathar were a species of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. They…

3 years ago

Conductor Landing Craft

The Conductor-class short-haul landing craft was a special-purpose shuttle, used by the Galactic Republic as a military cargo transport during…

3 years ago

Arkanian Offshoot

The Arkanian Offshoots were a sub-species of the Arkanian race, genetically engineered by the famed Arkanian scientists and genetic researchers…

3 years ago


The Arkanians were a near-Human species which resided primarily on the frozen planet of Arkania in the Perave system of…

3 years ago

Interdictor-class Cruiser

The Interdictor-class Sith destroyer, or the Interdictor-class star cruiser was among the most numerous capital ships seen in action with…

3 years ago


The Visionary was the elegant cloaked transport of G0-T0, one of the most successful Exchange bosses operating in both the…

3 years ago