The Old Republic


The Selkath were a species of aquatic beings native to the planet Manaan. The species was most comfortable underwater and…

3 years ago

Twin-228 Airspeeder

The Twin-228 airspeeder was a model produced by SoroSuub. On many worlds, such as Iridonia, it was modified as a…

3 years ago


The Rakata (also known as the Builders) were a humanoid species with distinctive amphibian features. They were a technologically advanced…

3 years ago


The Miraluka were a sentient species that existed in the galaxy around the time of the Clone Wars. They had…

3 years ago

578-R Space Transport

The 578-R space transport was a space transport manufactured by Amalgamated Hyperdyne.

3 years ago


The Massassi were a species who lived on Yavin 4, the fourth moon of Yavin Prime. Thousands of years before…

3 years ago

Urban Navigator

The Urban Navigator was a speeder bike manufactured by Aratech in the days of the Old Republic and the only…

3 years ago


The Kissai were the subspecies of the ancient Sith race that was enslaved by the exiled Dark Jedi on Korriban.…

3 years ago

AeroChaser Speeder Bike

The AeroChaser speeder bike was a model produced by Lhosan Industries. The speedy bike was designed and manufactured on Taris…

3 years ago


The Daggerstar, also known as the swoop racer, was a swoop model designed by Lhosan Industries and Kakkran, and produced…

3 years ago