Categories: Aliens


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Species: Ozrelanso
Home Planet: Ozrelanso

Attribute Dice: 11D

Special Abilities:
Leathery Skin: Provides a +1 pip bonus to Strength rolls made to resist physical

Story Factors:
Rage: Ozrelansos are best known for their foul tempers. If provoked, the Ozrelanso in question must succeed at a Difficult willpower skill roll or fly into a rage. While raging, Ozrelanso characters gain +2 pips to their Strength attribute, a –2 pip penalty to any defensive skill rolls (dodge, brawling parry, etc.) and are only interested in beating the offending party to a pulp.

Move: 10
Size: 1.7m-2.2m

Background: The Ozrelanso were a sentient species found in the galaxy. Male members of the species had lekku that grew on the sides of the their skulls.

During the High Republic Era, Ratko served as a bodyguard for Sullustan Senator Tia Toon. His large and imposing build made his profession obvious, while Toon claimed Ratko was merely a secretary.

During the First Order-Resistance War, Plesko Marno, a former Bureau of Ships and Services clerk, attended the Spice Runners’ Den on Kijimi shortly before the world’s destruction.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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