Categories: Aliens


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Species: Boltrunian
Home Planet: Boltrunia

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Vision: Boltrunian’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.

Clumsy: Boltrunian have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blaster rifles; most weapons used by; Aqualish, Trandoshans or Boltrunian have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Boltrunians use.

Regeneration: Boltrunian can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). Once per day, the Boltrunian must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by 10%. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.

Story Factors:
Hostility: The Boltrunian are known as a belligerent species. They gain +1D to all intimidation rolls against non-Boltrunian.

Move: 8/10
Size: 1.9-2.4 meters tall

Background: Boltrunians were a sentient species which existed in the galaxy. Some Boltrunians were present in the medcenter of the Starlight Beacon space station when Administrator Velko Jahen arrived and was escorted through the facility by Okana.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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