Space Transports

VCX-350 Freighter

The VCX-350 light freighter was a Corellian Engineering Corporation starship in the VCX series introduced to the starship market during…

1 year ago

Max-7 Rono Freighter

The Max-7 Rono freighter, sometimes referred to as simply a Rono, was a class of box freighter used during the…

2 years ago

GX1 Short Hauler

The GX1 short hauler, also known as the GX1 hauler, GX1 diplomatic ship, Lantillian short hauler, Lantillian Hauler, or Lantillian…

2 years ago

Preox-Morlana Carrier

The Preox-Morlana personnel carrier was a class of personnel carrier owned and operated by the Pre-Mor Authority. It was utilised…

2 years ago

WTK-85A Interstellar Transport

The WTK-85A interstellar transport was a model of transport manufactured by Sublights Products Corporation.

2 years ago

Taylander Shuttle

The Taylander shuttle was a model of civilian transport shuttle manufactured by Gallofree Yards, Inc. and found throughout the galaxy.

2 years ago

S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace

The S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace was a predecessor to the famous Firespray-31-class patrol craft. It was designed to carry…

2 years ago

Roken’s Shuttle

Rokin had a small shuttle that could be stored in the hanger of his freighter. In 9 BBY Obi-Wan Kenobi…

2 years ago

Shekelesh-Class Freight Gunship

The Shekelesh-class freight gunship was a model of freighter gunship manufactured by the Techno Union and frequently used by Moogans,…

2 years ago

Action IV Bulk Freighter

The Action IV transport was a Corellian Engineering Corporation medium bulk freighter of the Action series. It had a trapezoidal…

2 years ago