Fang Zar

Fang Zar was a male Human who served as the Senator of the Sern sector during the waning years of…

9 months ago

Raymus Antilles

Raymus Antilles was a human male from Alderaan. During his time in the service of the House of Organa, he…

1 year ago


Gualaar were a type of quadruped animal with white fur, black eyes and a single large horn on their head.

1 year ago


Tarfful was a male Wookiee chieftain and general who helped defend his native planet Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars.

2 years ago

Po Nudo

Po Nudo was a male Ualaq Aqualish who represented his species in the Galactic Republic's Senate around the time that…

2 years ago


C-3PO, sometimes spelled See-Threepio and often referred to simply as Threepio, was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with…

2 years ago

Adi Gallia’s Second Lightsaber

This blue-bladed lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Jedi Master Adi Gallia.

2 years ago

Rune Haako

Rune Haako was a male Neimoidian official of the Trade Federation and a high ranking member of the Separatist Council.

2 years ago

Mon Mothma (ROTS)

 A human female with auburn hair, pale blue-green eyes, and light skin. She was a firm believer in democracy and…

2 years ago

501st Legion Clone Trooper

The 501st Legion, initially the 501st Clone Battalion, later redesignated as the 501st Imperial Legion and as the 501st Stormtrooper…

2 years ago