
Pong Krell’s lightsabers

A pair of lightsabers were owned and wielded by Pong Krell, a Besalisk Jedi Master who operated as a Jedi…

1 year ago

Yaddle’s Lightsaber

Jedi Master Yaddle wielded a green plasma-bladed shoto lightsaber during her service to the Jedi Order.

2 years ago

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber was a single-bladed lightsaber wielded by the human Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

2 years ago

Saesee Tiin’s Lightsaber

A single-bladed green lightsaber belonged to Jedi Master Saesee Tiin. Though he preferred missions in the cockpit of his starfighter,…

2 years ago

Savage Opress Lightsaber

Savage Opress's lightsaber was a double-bladed lightsaber used by Savage Opress during the Clone Wars.

2 years ago

Halsey’s Lightsaber

This lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Jedi Master Halsey.

2 years ago

Ashoka Tano’s Dual Lightsabers (Blue)

Ahsoka's lightsabers were a pair of lightsabers owned by Ahsoka Tano during the last weeks of the Clone Wars. The…

2 years ago

Quinlan Vos’ Lightsaber

The Kiffar Gray Jedi Quinlan Vos owned a green-bladed lightsaber during the Clone Wars.

2 years ago

Ashoka Tano’s Dual Lightsabers (Green)

Ahsoka's lightsabers were a pair of lightsabers owned by Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars.

2 years ago

Nari’s Lightsaber

The weapon of a Jedi Knight, Nari carried his hand crafted Lightsaber up until his death in 9 BBY on…

2 years ago