HoloNet News

Rodian Campaigning Mixes Drama & Politics By Drama Editor Korvit Domesa7.5 out of 10 The Trickery of Vosdia NoomaStarring Chooru…

21 years ago

Palpatine Health Rumors Denied CORE NODE - Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is in excellent health, and has no plans to take…

21 years ago

GSBI Officer Warns of Conspiracy GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT - "Someone in the Republic government is going to great lengths to…

21 years ago

Gotal Guerillas Hijack Commuter Hopper, Take Hostages SKREEKA, ATZERRI - Gotal guerillas hijacked an atmospheric commuter hopper with 25 passengers…

21 years ago

Leisure Industry Suffers Record Losses ADMINIDOME, HOLOGRAM FUN WORLD - Last year, the queue for Hologram Fun World's crowd-pleasing Anywhere…

21 years ago

Circus Horrificus Turns Horrific KO HENTOTA, NAR SHADDAA - An illegal performance by the underground Circus Horrificus ended in chaos…

21 years ago

Wan Approaches 50 in 50 PLAWAL DOME, BELSAVIS - In just his fourth season, Zegret Wan is chasing one of…

21 years ago

Greyshade Proposes Gambling as Revenue SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT - Senator Simon Greyshade (Vorzyd) drew criticism with his motion to collect…

21 years ago

Carida Backs Military Creation Act SPINARA PLATEAU, CARIDA - Caridan government representatives have joined the Military Creation Act campaigning, offering…

21 years ago

Mid Rim Worlds Open Ports to RefugeesNaboo, Monastery, Cerea, and Kalarba Ease Immigration Restrictions THEED, NABOO - The displaced citizenry…

21 years ago