HoloNet News

Ominaz Keeps Top Ranking TASJON, CORULAG - Ignar Ominaz's victory at Tasjon will keep him the top-ranked swoop racer through…

21 years ago

Malastare to Increase Import Security PIXELITO, MALASTARE - Following a number of commed-in bomb threats, an increase in native hostility,…

21 years ago

Senator Taa Apologizes Over Dod "Joke" GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT - Senator Orn Free Taa (Ryloth) issued a public apology today…

21 years ago

Giant Space Slug Found BORKEEN BELT - Scientists have confirmed the existence of a 80-meter long space slug living within…

21 years ago

Rodian Senator Uncovers Loyalist-Separatist Ties SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT - Senator Onaconda Farr (Rodia) stunned many yesterday with his accusations of…

21 years ago

Cease & Desist turns into Seek & Destroy SHAMD CITY, KIRIMA - Repeated Cease & Desist orders issued by the…

21 years ago

Corellian Jedi Return CORELLIAN SECTOR NODE - Reinforcing their pledge to protect the Republic, two-dozen Jedi from the Corellian sector…

21 years ago

Yag'Dhul Secedes DODECAPOLIS, YAG'DHUL - As is becoming increasingly common during these turbulent times, the Republic was dealt a major…

21 years ago

Jedi Settle Ansion Dispute CUIPERNAM, ANSION - Despite a swath of scattered violence leading all the way into the very…

21 years ago

Vigilante Task Force Departs to Engage Separatists EXPANSION REGION NODE - A Republic cruiser assigned to the Judicial Department has…

21 years ago