Force Powers


Proper application of this power can calm a hostile person or animal.

2 years ago

Sith Sword Combat

This power works in a manner similar to that of the Lightsaber Combat power, but centers on defense.

2 years ago

Sith Sorcery

Sith Sorcery is used to channel the spirits of dead Sith lords into a character's body, augmenting his own natural…

2 years ago

Shield Gauntlet Defense

This power works in a manner similar to that of the lightsaber combat power, but centers on defense.

2 years ago

Battle Meld

This power may be used to include any other Force-sensitive characters in a telepathic link.

2 years ago

Plant Surge

hen used, this power causes plants (grasses, weeds, bushes, trees, etc.) to entangle target creatures, holding them fast or slowing…

2 years ago

Redirect Energy

If the Jedi is the target of a Force energy attack (such as force lightning or bolt of hatred) he…

2 years ago


When used against a living being, morichro has a maximum range of 10 meters. The effects are otherwise identical to…

2 years ago

Force Weapon

A Force user with this power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon (such as a club, knife, staff, etc.)…

2 years ago


This power is similar to "Force Scream" but is used voluntarily.

2 years ago