Clone Captain

Rex (TBB)

Rex, formerly designated CT-7567, was a veteran Clone Captain, Clone Commander, and Advanced Recon Commando who commanded the Grand Army…

2 years ago


Silver was a clone captain during the Clone Wars. At the time of the civil war between the Confederacy of…

2 years ago


"Jax" was the nickname of a clone cadet member and an unofficial leader of the Clone Youth Brigade during the…

2 years ago


"Lock" was the nickname of a clone trooper captain who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the…

2 years ago

Green Leader

"Green Leader" was the callsign of the clone trooper who led Green Company, a unit of clone trooper attached to…

3 years ago


"Keeli" was the nickname of a clone trooper captain who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the…

3 years ago


Howzer" was a Clone Captain who served the Galactic Empire shortly after its formation as part of the Ryloth garrison.…

3 years ago