
Andor S01E02 That Would Be Me

Cassian attempts to lay low on Ferrix as agents of the law close in.

2 years ago

Andor S01E01 Kassa

Long before the mission to secure the Death Star plans made him a hero of the Rebellion, a reckless Cassian…

2 years ago


Ferrix was a desert world located in the Free Trade sector of the galaxy. During the Imperial Era, Cassian Jeron…

2 years ago

Breon Dayvan (Modified)

The Breon Dayvan is easily one of the oldest ship still in service. Cassian Andor borrowed a Dayvan which had…

2 years ago


Fest was the primary planet in the Fest system. It was a densely populated world with few wilderness areas beyond…

2 years ago

We Got Some News From Lucasfilm

We recap everything we know about the upcoming Star Wars TV Series and films from the Disney Investors Meeting 2020.

4 years ago