Study Warns of Impending Parking Extinction

COCO DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – Jaspin Coberra grew up in Coco Town five decades ago, and he fondly recollects an expanse of shimmering ferrocrete that served as makeshift playground, rink, and meeting place for him and his young friends. “It was a nice open area that you could hang out in,” recalls the retired dock worker. “Even when it was crowded, we would still get together there, if just to check out the latest speeders. You just don’t see places like that anymore.”

An alarming study issued today echoes Coberra’s anecdotal observations — according to the Parking Conservation Fund, with the current rate of urban development across Coruscant, parking lots will become extinct within the next 45 standard years.

The not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of parking-lands across the planet issued the study after closely examining a decade of urban planning data and traffic trends. “We just keep building and building, but never stop to think about the impact on private commuters with their own vehicles,” said PCF Chair Lysal Green.

“The average commuter spends 25-30 minutes a day in transit from their workplace to their parking slip. That’s on top of their regular to-work commute. Those not fortunate enough to have assigned parking can spend upwards of 45 minutes finding a spot. And that’s not even counting the weekend shopping grind,” warned Green.

The PCF has recommended planetary budget allotments to the preservation of parking-lands, and for planetary-funded creation of new lots. “There are simple methods we can adopt that won’t hinder our urban progress. For example, for the creation of every one speeder dealership, we can construct two medium-sized lots. It’s all about balance,” said Green.

The PCF has been lobbying to make their recommendations standard civic policy. The group has recently scored a victory in their stalling of a construction project that would have seen the transformation of the historic Soll’s Pay-Later Lot into an Ithorian arboretum.

“We have worked tirelessly to preserve and recognize Heritage Lots, but I’m afraid that’s not enough. We need action before our time expires,” said Green. “I want my grandchildren to grow up in a world that has parking.”

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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