Senator Taa Apologizes Over Dod “Joke”

GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Senator Orn Free Taa (Ryloth) issued a public apology today following what he now describes as “tactless and inappropriate” remarks made on the Amberdawn morning show. In yesterday’s broadcast, Taa joked about Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod’s skyway accident. “He’s probably calling it an outrage, [and] thinks that the Skyway Flyer company has a long history of anti-Neimoidian sentiment, and has evidence that the transit company is horning in on Trade Federation markets.” Dod, recovering at the Fobosi District Medcenter reportedly described the Twi’lek Senator’s statements as “outrageous.”

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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