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Name: Qimir / The Stranger
Type: Sith Lord
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.82m
Skin: Light

Blaster: 6D
Brawling Parry: 4D
Brawling Parry: Martial Arts 8D
Dodge: 6D+2
Lightsaber: 8D+2
Lightsaber: Jar’kai 9D
Lightsaber: Trakata 10D+2
Melee Combat: 4D+1
Melee Parry: 4D
Pick Pocket: 3D+2
Running: 3D

Alien Species: 5D
Bureaucracy: Republic 4D
Cultures: 5D+2
Languages: 5D
Planetary Systems: 6D
Scholar: Alchemy 5D
Streetwise: 6D+2
Survival: 4D
Tactics: Smuggling 6D
Value: 7D
Willpower: 6D

Astrogation: 5D
Beast Riding: 3D+2
Communications: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
Sensors: 4D
Space Transports: 7D
Starfighter Piloting: 6D
Starship Gunnery: 4D+1
Starship Shields: 4D

Bargain: 5D
Command: 4D
Con: 6D
Forgery: 5D+2
Gambling: 4D
Hide: 5D
Investigation: 6D
Persuasion: 5D+2
Search: 4D
Sneak: 4D

Brawling: 6D+2
Brawling: Martial Arts 9D
Climbing/Jumping: 5D
Stamina: 5D

Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+2
Droid Programming / Repair: 3D+2
Equipment Repair: 4D
First Aid: 3D
Poisons: 5D
(A) Medicines: 5D

Special Abilities:
Control: 7D+1, Sense: 5D+2, Alter: 8D

Force Powers:

Control: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Channel Rage, Concentration, Contort/Escape, Control Pain, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Heal, Hibernation Trance, Rage, Resist Stun

Sense: Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Force Bond, Guided Attack, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Sense Force

Alter: Force Blast, Force Push, Telekinesis, Injure/Kill

Control and Sense: Lightsaber Combat

Control and Alter: Aura of Uneasiness, Feed on Dark Side, Force Jump, Force Stasis, Inflict Pain

Control, Sense and Alter: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Projected Fighting, Telekinetic Kill

Sense and Alter: Lesser Force Shield

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 6
Character Points: 12
Move: 10

Equipment: Toolkit, comlink, datapad, various trade goods, Sith Cortosis Armor and Helmet (+1D Physical Damage / +5D Energy Damage / Disables a lightsabers if it contacts the armor), Dual Lightsabers (Red) (5D)

Background: The male individual claimed no name and went by the alias “Qimir” in his public life. He was a human Sith Lord active during the High Republic Era. Qimir had a double identity as a former smuggler who claimed to have transported armaments for the Hutt Clan. In time, however, he would shift careers to become a trader and supplier of unusual items. He enjoyed a leisurely life in that new capacity, having survived some of the galaxy’s shadier starports.

At some point after 148 BBY, “Qimir” encountered Mae-ho Aniseya, a witch from Aniseya’s coven, and began training her as his apprentice. He took great care not to reveal his face to her, despite getting acquainted with her as Qimir by pretending to be a fellow follower of the Stranger and causing his apprentice great fear.

“Qimir” gave Mae a mission to kill the four Jedi stationed in her home planet of Brendok, who Mae thought responsible for the apparent death of her sister Verosha Aniseya during an intervention in the coven’s fortress. Qimir specified that one Jedi in particular, Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca, should be killed without using any weapon, a test he called “the final lesson” and Mae considered impossible.

After Mae killed the Jedi Master Indara on Ueda, she met with Qimir in his Master persona, who demonstrated his red-bladed lightsaber to her and explained that an Acolyte doesn’t kill with a laser or steel but by killing the Jedi’s dream.

Following this lesson, Qimir followed Mae to a city on the planet Olega, staked out in a store owned by an apothecary to assist her in her plan against Master Torbin who was stationed in the nearby Jedi temple. After an initial failed attempt to kill Torbin, Mae entered the store and abruptly woke Qimir—who had attempted to wait up the entire previous night for the acolyte but fell asleep after consuming the store’s merchandise—by throwing a mug next to him. Mae explained to Qimir that she had failed to kill Torbin, calling the Jedi “impenetrable.” Qimir suggested finding the Master’s weakness, claiming everyone had a weakness when Mae protested and instead handed Qimir a bag of bunta, asking him to make a poison. Qimir claimed Master Torbin needed absolution that only Mae could provide, referring to his toxic concoction. The acolyte then left the building, telling Qimir that it would not bode well for either of them if he informed her master of their plan.

After Mae’s successful second attempt at murdering Torbin, a Jedi Padawan of the nearby temple, he was spotted by Qimir entering the store, noting that he was not the apothecary who ran it. The Jedi sent Verosha Aniseya, Mae’s twin sister, to masquerade as her sister and get a confession from Qimir. The man quickly became skeptical during their conversation but asked if the poison had worked, stating that Mae’s master would be pleased if she managed to kill Torbin without the poison. The Jedi, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, considered Qimir’s question a confession, and just as he revealed that he knew Osha was an imposter, Osha pulled a stun blaster on him, with the Jedi Yord Fandar, Sol, and Jecki Lon entering immediately after to interrogate him.

Sol offered to consider letting Qimir off with only a warning if he cooperated. When asked about his relationship to Mae, the man claimed he was simply her supplier, having started out gunrunning for the Hutts before simply supplying people with “what they need” for the right price. Sol asked about the individual Qimir had mentioned and whether Mae had a master. Qimir denied knowing what was going on aside from the fact that Mae wanted revenge on four Jedi but let the Jedi know that Mae would be returning later that night, as he was holding some items for her.

The Jedi laid a trap for Mae that night, but the acolyte escaped capture. The following morning, she confronted Qimir and threatened to kill him for betraying her to the Jedi. The man offered to make it up to her by getting her out of the city and to the Outer Rim retreat Khofar, where the Wookiee Kelnacca, one of the four Jedi Mae was seeking out, lived. The pair traveled to Khofar on the Exile II, landed in the mountains outside the forest where the Wookiee Jedi dwelled, and began their trek with three hours of sunlight remaining.

As the two journeyed through the mountains, Qimir inquired as to how Mae planned to kill Kelnacca without a weapon, as she had failed to do so with Torbin and Master Indara previously. In return, Mae asked Qimir about his relationship with her master, and the man denied having made any deals with the Master, simply stating that he owed him. Mae then asked how her companion felt about her sister after their interaction with Olega. Qimir claimed she seemed in over her head but displayed a fondness for Master Sol.

While in the forest shortly before sunset, and roughly ten minutes’ travel north of Kelnacca’s shelter, Mae opted to stop and rest in preparation for her fight with the Wookiee and began to express doubts that her mission was even possible, much to Qimir’s disapproval. Regardless, the man decides to fetch water as Mae regains her energy. While he was away, Mae decided she no longer needed to kill the Jedi, as her sister was alive, and instead decided to turn herself in. She trapped Qimir and screamed for help to get him to return. The Sith ran into her trap and was hoisted upside down from a tree branch, with Mae then leaving him behind to confess her murders to Kelnacca.

After Mae left him, Qimir freed himself, donned his armor, and killed Kelnacca with his lightsaber, leaving the Wookiee’s body in his domicile. Then, just as a team of several Jedi, including Jedi Master Sol, arrived at the scene hunting Mae, Qimir emerged from the forest and drew his lightsaber against them. The Jedi attempted to run to him, but Qimir pushed them away using the Force. Despite being outnumbered, Qimir would engage the Jedi in single combat. Through unpredictable blade work and his cortosis armor, Qimir managed to kill most of the Jedi search group, including Ithia Paan and another human Jedi, wounding Yord Fandar.

After shrugging off a shot from Osha’s stun blaster, Qimir would attempt to kill Osha before being intercepted by Sol. The two warriors engaged each other in a fierce lightsaber duel before Qimir disengaged to find Mae. After finding Mae subdued by Jecki Lon, Qimir mocked his apprentice by suggesting she could learn from the Padawan’s loyalty. Mae then ran off while Qimir was distracted by Jecki, who attacked him again. Determined to ensure that Mae would not escape to expose him to the Jedi, Qimir attempted to silence Mae before being confronted by Sol and Jecki again.

During the fight, Jecki managed to break Qimir’s cortosis helmet by smashing the hilt of her lightsaber. As the helmet dropped on the ground, distracting Jecki, Qimir pulled out a hidden lightsaber and stabbed Jecki, killing her. With his true identity revealed, Qimir used the Force to pull Mae to himself, holding his lightsaber against her head. Still wishing to save Mae, Sol threw down his lightsaber, demanding to know Qimir’s affiliation. Qimir revealed that he was what the Jedi might call a Sith. When asked what he wanted, Qimir claimed he desired the freedom to wield his power openly without answering the Jedi Order, who claimed that the Sith Order should not exist and that he wanted an apprentice of his own, which he no longer considered Mae to be after her betrayal.

In a surprise attack, Yord returned to the fight, breaking Qimir’s cortosis gauntlet and using a piece of the broken cortosis helmet to disable Qimir’s lightsaber. Despite being without a weapon, the Sith grabbed Yord and broke his neck with his bare hands. Enraged, Sol attacked Qimir, beating him into submission and moving to decapitate the unarmed Sith with his lightsaber, only to be stopped by Osha. Qimir gleefully asked Osha if she still trusted Sol after he displayed aggression. Sol argued that Qimir’s mind was twisted by the dark side, to which Qimir responded that he had accepted his darkness but taunted Sol by asking him what he had done with his own. At this point, Osha discreetly pointed to a group of umbramoths she and Yord had lured to the clearing, prompting Sol to deactivate his lightsaber, claiming that Jedi do not attack unarmed opponents. Qimir scoffed at Sol’s use of the Jedi Code before retrieving his lightsaber and turning it on, unaware that the light attracted the creatures. Osha attached her PIP droid to the Sith’s back to further entice them after turning his torch on, causing the umbramoths to attack Qimir, picking him up and dragging him up into the trees. Qimir eventually freed himself from the creature’s grasp and stumbled upon an unconscious Osha, who Mae had knocked out. Draping his cloak over her, he attended to her wounds.

Appearances: The Acolyte

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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