Categories: Creatures

Hydroid Medusa

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Species: Hydroid Medusa
Type: Cyborg jellyfish
Home Planet: Karkais
Search 3D+2
Special Abilities:
Electrified Tendrils: The hydroid medusa has four cybernetically enhanced tendrils that have a reach of 20 meters and electrocute whatever it touches for 6D damage.
Hardened Armor Powerplants: The armored bell of the creature gives it incredible endurance against energy attacks including lightsabers, +3D modifier to resist damage.
Move: 5 (swimming)
Size: 23.6 meters average height

Background: Hydroid Medusas were massive jellyfish cyborgs combined with armor and other cybernetic enhancements developed by the Karkarodons on their homeworld Karkaris. Hydroid Medusas were used by Karkarodon Confederacy of Independent Systems Commander Riff Tamson during the Battle of Mon Cala. They were practically invulnerable, with blasters and lightsabers doing no damage to them. After causing numerous casualties, the Republic and Mon Calamari forces were forced to retreat. When Republic reinforcements arrived in the form of the Gungan Grand Army, their boomas were able to do some damage to the Hydroid Medusas.
Appearance: TCW 401 “Water War”, TCW 402 “Gungan Attack”, TCW 403 “Prisoners”

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Emperor Ollie

Emperor Ollie, AKA Oliver Queen & Shooting Wamprats, has published several fan made source books for Star Wars The Roleplaying game including Ahsoka the Novel Sourcebook, Star Wars Rebels Sourcebook Season 1 & 2, The High Republic: A Test of Courage Sourcebook, Splinter of the Mind's Eye Sourcebook and countless others.

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