Categories: Droids


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Name: Gonky
Type: Defective GNK Power Droid
Degree: 5th Degree
Class: Service Droid
Sensor Color: Yellow
Plating Color: Gray
Gender: Masculine Personality
Personality Module: Simple

Dodge 1D+2


Energize power cells 1D+2

Bargain 2D


Systems Diagnosis 5D

Equipped With:

• Video sensor
• Bipedal locomotion
• Ultra-fine manipulation arm (-1D all Technical skills)
• Cybot acoustic signaller (droid may not speak Basic or
other common languages)

Special Abilities:

Game Note: Gonky’s prime power source doesn’t charging fully until after the events of TBB Episode 14 War Mantle.

Move: 4
Height: 1.37 meters
Cost: 1,500 credits
Availability: 2

Background: Gonky was a defective GNK-series power droid who served Clone Force 99 aboard the Havoc Marauder. Wrecker frequently used the droid as a weightlifting aid. The enhanced clone Omega used the droid as a cot for a brief time. Additionally, she spoke to Gonky on occasion, showing it her trooper doll. When the Havoc Marauder was boarded by enemy Zygerrians, Omega told the droid to hide, to which he simply powered down.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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