Categories: Creatures


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Species: Faa
Planet of Origin: Naboo


Special Abilities:
Bite: Does STR+2 damage
Slipperiness: because of their slipperiness, Faa gets a +1D to their dodge.

Move: 9
Size: 1 meter

Background: The Faa were a species of scalefish native to the planet Naboo. They lived alongside six other scalefish species in the waters around the city Otoh Gunga in Lake Paonga. They could also be found in the Naboo Abyss where they were preyed upon indiscriminately by the large colo claw fish and opee sea killers that dwelt there. Unlike other scalefish species, which were mostly harmless, the faa was a vicious carnivore

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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