Categories: Equipment

Droid Commando Personal Shield

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Model: Droid Commando Personal Shield
Type: Personal energy shield
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee parry: personal energy shield
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 3
Game Notes: This personal energy shield is held and wielded much like a normal shield. The user makes a melee parry skill roll to deflect incoming attacks, be they from melee weapons or blasters. Success indicates that the shield takes the damage. The shield has a Strength of 5D. If the damage roll is greater than the shield’s Strength roll, excess damage affects the shield bearer. Every time the shield is compromised, the protection value is reduced by 1D.

Background: This personal energy shield was used by BX-series droid commandos stationed at the Citadel. It was resistant to blaster fire, and weapons could pass through the shield, allowing the user to fire their blaster from relative safety.

Composed of a metal frame with an elongated hexagonal design, it was somewhat similar in appearance to the Confederate Roundel.

When activated, it allowed its user to extend a blaster through the energy shield, enabling the wielder to advance while firing and remain protected from opposing blaster fire. Although it could effectively block fire from blaster weapons, the shield offered no protection against physical matter such as rocks, branches, etc., nor could it protect against thermal detonator or grenade explosions. It was not determined if it could repel blaster cannon fire and/or starship weaponry.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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