
Sorosuub Cutlass-9

The Cutlass-9 patrol fighter, also known as the SoroSuub patrol fighter, was a starfighter manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation prior to…

2 years ago

SHD-66 Shadow Droid

SHD-66 Shadow Droid were Imperial starfighters piloted by surgically implanted organic brains, making the Shadow Droid more of a cyborg…

2 years ago

Scurrg H-6 Prototype Bomber

The Scurrg H-6 was created five years before the Battle of Naboo by the Nubian Design Collective, who hoped to…

2 years ago

Scimitar Assault Bomber

The Scimitar assault bomber was an advanced starfighter/bomber based on TIE Series technology. It was used by the Galactic Empire.…

2 years ago

Scarab-class starfighter

The Scarab-class starfighter was a Trade Federation starfighter. It was the predecessor to the Vulture-class droid starfighter. It had a…

2 years ago

Razor-Class Starfighter

The Razor-class starfighter was a product of Starypan/SunHui Spaceworks, manufactured shortly before Alderaan's destruction. It was meant to succeed the…

2 years ago

Qektoth Confederation Starfighter

The Qektoth Confederation starfighter was employed by the Qektoth Confederation during the early years of the New Republic. Based on…

2 years ago

PTR-3 Vedette

The PTR-3 Vedette was a single-seater snubfighter developed by Core Galaxy Systems in times of the Galactic Republic.

2 years ago

Preybird Fighter

The SoroSuub Preybird-class starfighter was a model of heavy starfighter. It was a capable starfighter for both offensive and defensive…

2 years ago

Planetary Fighter

The Planetary Defender starfighter, also known simply as the Planetary Fighter was one of the countless products of SoroSuub Corporation.…

2 years ago