HoloNet News

Legislative Youth Program Role-Plays Vote HANNA CITY, CHANDRILA - The Miltary Creation Act was approved by a narrow margin in…

21 years ago

Senators Implicated in Slave Ring YRACTOS, GYNDINE - Recently disclosed documents and testimony from a captured Thalassian slaver on Gyndine…

21 years ago

Shots Fired in Andoan Space MID RIM NODE - A Republic courier ship reported being fired upon when traveling in…

21 years ago

Nuna-Ball League Looks to Expand ANTELUMA, COMMENOR - NBL commissioner and former holomag mogul, Lysko Buelia, attended Serv-O-Droid RIC series'…

21 years ago

Sensor Technology Dispute Settled in Takeover HPAQ, VULPTER - The 18-month-long dispute between Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems and Arakyd Industries…

21 years ago

Isard Spearheads Republic Intelligence Reform SBI CENTRAL, CORUSCANT - Armand Isard, Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, has been…

21 years ago

Kashyyyk / Trandoshan Talks Break Down HSSKHOR, TRANDOSHA - The Kashyyyk / Trandoshan peace negotiations disintegrated today when word reached…

21 years ago

Garbage Launcher Misfire Kills 48; Closes Desrini DESRINI DISTRICT, CORUSCANT - The Desrini district of northern Coruscant is still closed…

21 years ago

Senator Moe Killed in Blast SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT - For the fifth time this sidereal, tragic events forced a session…

21 years ago

Lahara Sector Secedes SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT - Continuing a tide of Outer Rim secessions, the Lahara sector, represented by Senator…

21 years ago