Capital Ships

WD-2550 Whydah-class Yield Conveyer

The WD-2550 Whydah-class yield conveyer was a model of freighter utilized by the Trade Federation during the High Republic Era.…

3 weeks ago

MC75 Star Cruiser

The MC75 Star Cruiser, also referred to as the MC75 modified star cruiser, was a model of Star Cruiser in…

1 month ago

Braha’tok-class Gunship

The Braha'tok-class gunship, also known as the Dornean gunship or shortened to Braha'tok, was a model of gunship designed by…

1 month ago

New Republic Ambassador Transport

The New Republic Ambassador Ship was a CSS-1b Corellian Star Shuttle or New Republic Crusier, was a transport used by…

2 months ago

Jamadorn Skybreaker

The Jamadorn Skybreaker was an Action II transport from the Corellian Engineering Corporation bulk freighter Action series.

2 months ago

Novalight Defender

Nash Durango described the Novalight Defender as having some of the best ray shields in Tenoo's sector. One was on…

2 months ago

Detainer CC-2200

The Detainer CC-2200 was a model of Interdictor cruiser used by the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy.

6 months ago

Longhorn-Class Cruiser

The Longhorn-class Escort cruiser is a compact 320-meter-long starship originally produced by Kuat Drive Yards.

6 months ago

Valiant-Class Star Destroyer

The Valiant-class Star Destroyer, often called the Valiant-class Cruiser, was a Star Destroyer manufactured by Cybe Drives primarily for the…

7 months ago

New Republic MC30c Frigate

The MC30c frigate was a class of Mon Calamari-designed warship, utilized by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War…

10 months ago