Categories: Droids

AZ-series Surgical Assistant Droid

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Type: Cybot Galactica AZ-series surgical assistant droid
Degree: First Degree
Class: Medical Droid
Sensor Color: Yellow
Plating Color: Gray
Gender: Masculine
Personality Module: Advanced

Dodge: 3D

Alien Species: 4D
Cultures: 3D+1

Bacta Tank Operation: 3D

Bargain: 3D
Command: 3D


Equipment Repair: 4D
Capital Ship Repair: 4D
(A) Medicine: 5D
(A) Medicine: Diagnosis: 5D
(A) Medicine: Diagnosis Clones 7D

Equipped With:

• Acoustic signaler
• 2 hands
• Hovering locomotion System
• Vocabulator
• Cutting Torch

Special Abilities:
Speeder Bike Emergency Mode: AZI-345211896246498721347 can transform into a rudimentary speeder bike capable of carrying one passenger (Move: 110; 315kmh)

Game Note: AZ has a Hovering locomotion System which can hold 1 passenger.

Move: 11
Height: 1.1 meters tall
Cost: 2000 credits
Availability: 3, R

Background: The AZ-series surgical assistant droid was a model of medical droid manufactured by Cybot Galactica and utilized during the Clone Wars. One such droid, AZI-3, served the Kaminoans in Tipoca City on the planet Kamino, caring for clones.

AZ-model droids were capable of low-elevation hovering using a pair of repulsorlifts in place of legs. Two circular photoreceptors were on the front of the head. Their primary arms had three digits each, however with the compartment on its back, the medical droid could store small items and produce a number of appendages to personally perform complicated procedures. These appendages were tipped with instruments including fusioncutters, flashlights, scomp links and anesthesia-inducers. AZ-series droids came equipped with multiple survival modes in case of emergency situations. One such mode allowed the droid to transform into a mountable repulsorcraft able to occupy a single rider.

As a surgical assistant, the highest-priority objective of AZ-series programming was to ensure the safety of its current patient at all costs, which included disobeying direct orders from their superiors.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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PT White

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